Wednesday, November 30, 2016

War Dogs

Which Jonah Hill do you like better?  Obese, weird shaped, 1/2 man 1/2 fat Jonah or slimmed down still weird body shaped much healthier Jonah?  Well you get the slob in this one, but damn-it, he is so damn good it doesn't even matter!  Then throw in Miles Teller for a perfect on screen duo.  These two look nothing like the actual characters they are playing, but who gives a shit its Hollywood.  You know, the same place that cast The Duke as Genghis Khan!  Anyway, if you wanted to make some quick cash in the 90's (like $300 million) just jump on line and under bid for a security arms dealing contract.  That's what these two real life dip shits did, and got super loaded off of dealing weapons to military contractors.  How this movie got a single bad review or negative feedback is beyond me.  This movie kicks ass!  Yes, there is some narration that is a little unnecessary but it truly takes you through an adventure of these guys that you don't want to miss.  The comedy and action are great, Tellers girlfriend in the movie is super hot, and Hill steals the show.  One of the best characters is Bradly Cooper, when he shows up and commands the screen.  This is a definite watch and I cant believe I didn't see it sooner.

FYI:  Jesse Eisenberg and Shia LaBeouf were originally considered for the main parts.


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