Friday, December 9, 2016


Here we go again!  Another cry-baby movie about how the evil NFL has covered up yet another bullshit excuse to soften the game of football.  Suck it up Neanderthals, you know what you signed up for!  So you have a headache, huh?  Take an aspirin and get back out there like a gladiator!  Then, here comes this uppity foreigner who barely knows about the game of soccer let along real football and screws everything up for Americans coast to coast!  Okay, that might have been a little harsh, actually this movie is pretty damn good.  Will Smith does an excellent job, so much that once again its hard to think he came from The Fresh Prince!  The movie gets pretty deep and it really delves into the theory of how trauma can affect more than just your thoughts and brain activity.  The story is very strong and made for an extremely enjoyable movie.  I wanted a little more of the national exposure and to see other effects rather than 5 guys going crazy and wanting to kill them selves in a car.  I didn't like the rushed ending and thought it kind of left you wanting more.  Overall its a good flick and worth the watch.

FYI:  Mike Webster was actually living in his car and repeatedly hurting himself.


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