Friday, December 9, 2016

The Accountant

To quote the great movie of "Tropic Thunder", if you want to make a successful hit you cant go full-on retard.  Well this proves to be oh, so true.  What you have is a character with Autism (I think, they dont like labels) who starts life with an overbearing, no nonsense military father.  Good ole Dad thinks that him and his "normal" brother need to be trained Ranger style.  Affleck becomes an accountant which is basically a front but the kicker is he is a crazy math savant who reminds me of a cross between Rain Man, A Beautiful Mind, and Jason Bourne.  Now here is the crap; Anna Kendrick.  Grrrrr!  This chick drives me nutz!  I think her acting sucks and she is almost as annoying as Kristen Stewart.  Bad casting choice if you ask me, other wise the movie kicks ass!  Jon Bernthal is awesome yet again!  He continues to prove that his acting chops are top notch and almost up stages Affleck who also rocks in this.  Last but not least, J.K. Simmons has another memorable role here as the director of a CIA division, and kills it!  Great movie and would watch it again with no hesitation.

FYI:  Kendrick based her role after her Mother who is a real life accountant and explained the movie to her.



  1. We liked this one too. Sure it's ridiculous... but that's half the fun. I think this could have spawned multiple sequels, but it doesn't seem like it was nearly successful enough.

  2. I thought the same thing and wanted extra cheese by having "The Accountant" meet "Jason Bourne". It would be Freddy vs Jason all over again!
