Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Disappointments Room

If you were ever told to go to your room as a child and thought to yourself you hate your parents, count your blessings that it was just your bedroom and not the Disappointments Room!!!  Stupid title and rather stupid premise for this movie.  Here is the scoop; way back in the day these old Victorian type houses had "Disappointment Rooms" where prestigious families who had a mentally challenged or deformed child could hide them away from the world.  The child would usually spend its entire life there with no contact to the outside world.  Well it just so happens that this city family movies into a house like this, finds the room and low and behold, its haunted by the ghosts of the past, or is it?!  The movie itself was pretty predictable with some good parts such as, "drunk host at a dinner party", and "I almost killed my kid".  The very best part of this movie is Kate Beckinsale, who seems to never age and stay super hot!  The real disappointment of this movie was the lack of her showing some skin!  Give it a shot if you like the thriller genre, and if you have nothing else to do, its entertaining at the least.

FYI:  The first movie by Relativity Studios since declaring bankruptcy in 2015.  Oops!


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