Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Good Neighbor

Old man Jenkins from across the street is at it again, and this time the Mystery Machine is no where to be found!  We all have that grumpy old neighbor who yells, "Get off my lawn!"  Well, next time you better think twice about giving him the stink eye because he may have more than just moth balls hiding in his closet.  This was an awesome hidden Netflix gem that I passed over a number of times before giving it a shot.  Outstanding surprise here, with a movie that should have been more than predictable but is written with some mature professionalism.  Two high school kids with a serious lack of parental monitoring decide to experiment on the old man across the street.  So with a high level of intelligence for kids, they pirate buy a bunch of mini surveillance equipment and stash it at the old mans house in an attempt to make him think his house is haunted for their "experiment".  There are many skeletons in this old dudes house and they find that they get a lot more than they bargained for.  Good movie with a cool idea to back it up.  Give it a shot, and stay the hell off my property!

FYI:  James Caan limited himself to very little sleep during this to seem older and tired.


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