Friday, June 10, 2016

The Double

Eisenberg has been very surprising over the years with his multiple of roles.  I find myself walking into his films thinking, "here we go with another mousy, nervous, sweaty palmed character with a slight studder and full of uncomfortable tendencies.  Then as the movie goes on he either makes it work or changes the atmosphere, he is truly gifted.  Well in this movie he makes it work, changes the tone or the entire movie and explodes out of nowhere.  This movie was awesome, although not all that original, it was extremely entertaining and unique in its setting and cinematography.  We begin with a talented but over the top shy worker bee in a dingy futuristic IT type setting.  He gets no credit and is almost invisible as he portrays the non memorable drone.  Enter the double!  The new hire who is charismatic, arrogant, street wise and the office asshole schmoozer.  By the way, looks exactly the same but no one notices because worker bee number one is basically a ghost.  Well the one person who does notice is the double who becomes close and then tries to take over the life of shy guy.  The events are really well played out and Eisenberg as the cocky dick is awesome!  Not unlike Enemy for its premise, but different in the story-line.  Give this one a shot, it is excellent!

FYI:  This film was almost made in the 90's by Roman Polansky staring John Travolta.


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