Wednesday, December 6, 2017

American Made

First off, who doesnt like Tom Cruise?!?!  Okay, I know like 1000 people who hate him, including my wife.  But honestly, in my book he hasn't made a bad movie.  American Made is no exception to that rule!  So what do you get when you cross a hot shot commercial airline pilot with the Colombian drug cartel, and then throw in the Iran-Contra scandal?  You get this under publicized gem of a movie!  Cruise, who plays Barry Seal, a TWA airline pilot who started off small potatoes by smuggling cigars gets recruited by the CIA to do some of their dirty work by taking off limits pictures of the enemy.  Well that grows to guns, and passengers.  In turn, they ignore the fact that his extra curricular activities while traveling is to run drugs for the cartels for money.  When I say money, I am talking about multi millions.  He has so much money he has to start burying it, laundering it, warehousing it, investing it, you name it.  Being a family man with a hot wife, he falls into the classic pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered situation.  With a little help from being screwed by the CIA of course.  This was a great "True Story" docu-movie that was very interesting.  A tad lower than "Blow" but a good one none the less. 

FYI:  Cruises first R rated film since Tropic Thunder



Attention Americans!  If you want a guide on how to be a traitor, act like a communist, or denounce your patriotism, this is the movie for you.  In a scenario where, lets say you are too weak to make it in the infantry, but you got a big brain and are recruited by the CIA.  You happen to fall upon some secret stuff that, well, you know the CIA does.  Then you manage it for a while but low and behold, you find out that they are watching you as well.  That's when you turn?  Okay, in all reality this movie really makes you feel bad for good ole Eddie.  The poor kid was just trying to be a good service member to his country but being naive, he was in a bit over his head.   The good news is, he now lives in Russia as they gave him save refuge.  So any hacking that may come from Moscow, like for instance the Presidential Election, would never involve someone like him.  JGL plays just about every role with absolute greatness, he has become one of my favorite actors.  The sinister backdrop of this movie makes it very intriguing and it is one that I highly recommend, especially if you were following the story as it happened.  Take a shot at this one, just be sure to turn off all devices connected to the internet.

FYI:  Many of the actual real life people portrayed in this film are in the movie.


Atomic Blonde

Where were you before the fall of the Berlin Wall?  East, or West?  Oh, you were in America watching it on TV.  Just keep in mind, while you were doing that, there was a super hot blonde spy going back and forth on a very important mission filled with sex, violence, and deceit!  This movie was awesome!  Set in the 80's complete with the coolest 80's songs, clothes, and action.  Basically there are agents, spys, and double agents inter-tangled in a huge web of lies, all the while surrounded by the the political warfare of East and West Germany.  Theron plays the part of a bad ass perfectly and gives John Wick a run for his money.  She is super hot and has some steamy sex scenes with Sofia Boutella that you wont soon forget.  McAvoy is the slimy agent who runs the streets and nails his role as well.  There are some twists and surprises throughout the film but never a boring moment. 

FYI:  McAvoy's casted hand was actually real from an injury while filming Split.


Shot Caller

Rule #1, dont go to prison.  Rule #2, if you do go to prison get super jacked and learn how to fight, fast!  After patiently waiting for this movie to come out, to my surprise I found it one night on Amazon, for free!!!  I was excited to watch Jamie Lanister turn himself into a hardened criminal and watch as the system makes him into a monster.  If you are a fan of prison movies (which I am) this is a pretty good one for you.  Jacob is a successful business man, loving father and husband with a pretty great life.  One night out with the friends and having a few too many to drink, he gets into a car accident and one of the passengers die.  Well the friends wife doesn't like that much, so presses charges and low and behold, good ole Jacob ends up behind bars.  We all know how the story goes, in order to survive, you need to put in work and get yourself some protection.  All that does is earn him some extra years on his sentence, all the while building his cred to become one of the top thugs.  When he finally gets out, he has to survive a different way with his old life in the rear view, its a struggle all around.  I loved this movie and put it right up there with some of the classic lock up flicks such as Blood in Blood out, Felon, and American History X.  I ended the movie wanting more but completely satisfied with the content.  I would recommend this to anyone who likes the gritty underworld of the American prison system.

FYI:  Many prisons in CA have adopted an inmate workout routine not unlike the one seen here.


The Bar

Take a good look at the movie poster above, now go watch this movie.  The picture tells a story worth a thousand words.  What would you do, as a self absorbed socialite who walks into a cafe/bar one morning only to find you are trapped inside with a bunch of strangers and a dead guy?  Get shit faced I hope!  This was a really good hidden gem found on Netflix that had cool dialogue to go along with the great plot.  In downtown busy Madrid, a group is forced to band together in a small cafe as they find themselves trapped inside by the local police.  Something more is going on, but the mystery forces them to turn on one another.  There were a number of great lines and situations throughout the movie, some were really disgusting but the entire film was extremely entertaining.  The only negative I have to say is that once it ended, I really wanted more.  More explanation, what happens next, how the situation was dealt with by the authorities?  Overall, great find that I would recommend to anyone.

FYI:  The homeless man wore his fake teeth non stop during the filming.


Monday, September 25, 2017

The Houses October Built 2

Just in time for the haunting month!  If you have read any of my reviews, you will know I love horror movies, especially this time of year.  I did review the first installment of this little franchise and loved it.  I thought it was a hidden gem that I came across one day so you can imagine how excited I was to see the sequel.  Lets get down to the nitty gritty of this little fright fest.  #1. I actually liked this, regardless of the awful reviews and the fans of part 1 hating everything about it.  #2. The characters are creepy and the final haunt was great just because of the silence and minimal decor of the rooms.  #3. the other haunts they went through were cool to see and some of the creepy characters were good. #4. The main chick is pretty hot!  #5. The ending was only good if you have seen part 1.  There, did I break it down enough for you?  If not, watch the damn thing!  The whole premise is not unique, a bunch of film makers go across the country to find the most extreme and scary haunt.  Using rumors of underground haunts where they do things no legal and crazy scary to fuel them.  The only real loser part of this film is that they talk the girl into coming back to work with them again, and even after getting spooked to the point of pissing her pants, she still keeps going.  Give this one a shot, let me know what you think!

FYI:  Written and directed by one of the main stars, who was also an All-American Pitcher at UCLA


A Gang Story

Well, whats to say about this film streaming on Netflix right now that hasn't already been said?  Oh, wait, everything?  That's likely because no one has ever heard of this movie, or the true events it is supposedly based on.  You may also watch it and say, huh, I have seen this movie before but I cant place when.  I will let you in on a little secret, it was the last time you watched any gangster story ever!  Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad by any means, it actually kept me very interested the entire time, but just didn't quite have the spark it needed to be great and original.  Maybe they were trying to stick a little to close to the actual happenings, but I definitely would have "Holly-wooded" it up for a true great foreign film.  The acting was really good and the main character played by Lanvin was stone cold and awesome.  Don't let me pass over the ever and always creepy Tcheky Karyo who has been spooking me out since the 80's.  Good film about a gang of loyal friends who make it big in the underworld only to be double crossed.  There are a few really bad ass revenge scenes and a cool premise but it was just missing something???  Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

FYI:  Good soundtrack featuring Janis Joplin, Deep Purple, and The Animals.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Message From the King

COngratulations Netflix, you just keep churning out the hits!  I guess when you give you writers and directors complete freedom to express themselves from their own creative mind you get a plethora of greatness (take note Hollywood).   This little gem surprised me from the beginning!  I was ready for another slow burn of a search for a missing person movie and got a whole lot more.  First off, Boseman is a complete bad ass in it, he comes in like a silent storm and gets his answers!  He partners up with an unlikely ally living in a run down hotel.  She is basically the better looking and better acting version of Kristen Stewart.  Then enter about 20 other actors that are pretty well known and do a damn good job.  So the skinny is that Boseman comes to LA from South Africa to find his missing sister.  What he does is strategically look for clues to get a good idea of how she has been living and is not happy!  It all explodes from there and the shit hits the fan!  Great movie, good acting and good plot.  Give this a shot on Netflix now.

FYI:  Twists, deceit, and beatings made this a movie that gets a good ole fashion Grind-House praise!



And another movie titled, "Honeymoon", only the second I have reviewed but one of many.  Not that it wasnt original, well, it wasn't but had some unique aspects that made me sit interested wanting to continue to watch.  This is one that I have decided to bring out the "Wretched Scale" on.  First, there are a few scenes that were truly gag worthy, it was done well enough for you to feel a bit sick and really, really hate the villain!  Second, the true sick and twisted nature of the main character is disturbing and wretched enough for you to sneer up your nose in disgust.  So lets get into the meat of this fun little tale.  A Foreign film made in Mexico about a beautiful young woman who is stalked, and captured by her weirdo neighbor.  He decides to chain her up in his basement and punish her until she succumbs to becoming his woman.  When she doesn't obey, he has some truly terrifying torture techniques, (try saying that 5 times fast).  There is a bit of a twist toward the end, and then another twist on top of that, the latter being a bit dumb, but good for the movie.  I would say give this one a watch, its streaming on Netflix now and may just fill your appetite for a low budget horror film.

FYI:  The main character choose to remain tied up between takes for her to maintain her suffering character.


Monday, September 18, 2017


Okay haters, I can assume that anyone who reads my review of this is not going to agree and will likely be mad and call me a phony.  Give me a few minutes to explain myself and try to keep an open mind here because as far as I am concerned, Mother! was one of the better movies I have seen.  I will start off by saying this was the most bizarre, over the top, roller coaster of a movie that I have ever seen.  I found myself saying, "what the fuck is going on" in the middle of the film.  My take is the complete metaphoric telling was a glimpse of our society and the narcissistic views we cling to today.  It is said many times in the film that "it's never enough" for a reason.  Humans need for possessions, love, acceptance, to legitimize their own existence is pared with craze and worship of emotions from people that have no direct impact on your life other than your self worth.  None of the characters have names in this movie and I am certain that the metaphor for Bardem's character "Him" is God, the guests are Adam and Eve, their sons Cain and Abel and Lawrence as Mother Nature.  At one point the voice of reason shows up and realizes he can never win over the emotional state of the characters so he gives up and leaves.  That is when the shit really hits the fan.  The movie which starts off as a slow burn becomes an explosion for your senses putting unbelievable scenarios together creating a roller coaster of a movie!  Whew!  Was that pretentious enough for you?  Well it should be!  My guess is that most who watch this movie will absolutely hate it and have no understanding of its undertones, but if you go in with an open mind and let its creative levels sink in, you may just like it.

FYI:  The script was written by Aronofsky in 5 days.



Well, we all know the story of the creepy clown from Stephen King's insane mind.  remember being in Jr High and watching it on TV for 2-3 nights?  Even that was an interesting take apart from the bad acting, terrible cast and made for TV feel.  Well it doesn't even hold a candle to this new remake, and was was it good.  I will agree with my neighbor that it might possibly be the best re make of all time!  This version had a number of scenes that were very close to the original but with flare, style and a budget.  They nailed the 80's feel of the movie with casting, scenes, and the actions of the main kids.  It was actually so well done that it makes you think, why the hell cant all remakes be this easy to reproduce that well.  And now for the main component and what you have all been waiting for, the Pennywise review.  Creepier, scarier, more slobbery, and absolutely genius!  I do have a love for Tim Curry in the original but Skarsgard rocked it!  There was some great comic relief, especially with the kid from Stranger Things who stole every scene he was in.  The flow of the movie and the extra added scares were awesome (crooked lady from the painting).  This is a must see, even if you werent a fan of the original, this movie was so well made that it will have you wanting more, which is probably why it is set up perfectly for a sequel.

FYI:  Bill Skarsgard admitted that he was so into his character while filming that he had constant nightmares during production.



You know the old saying, "It's like putting perfume on a Pig"?  Well, its a risk that I think absolutely paid off in this little gem!  If your a fan of the slaughterhouse and throwing meat on animal rights activists, this might not be quite what your looking for.  This is an outstanding little story of a food corporation run by the evil Tilda Swinton, who is trying to gain public acceptance by putting a cute face to the newly created "Super Pig".  There are a few of them given to farmers all over the world raised to become huge, which means more meat for the table in the long run.  Unfortunately when they come around to collect these beasts back, they step on the wrong little girls toes, and her defiance leads her to an adventure of revenge!  The story is excellent and a complete surprise that will have you changing emotions many times throughout.  The acting is incredible including the all out psychotic, crazed Jake Gyllenhaal who brings his "A" game once again.  There are a number of disturbing scenes toward the end that will have you re think your meal choices but it flows well with the undertones of the movie.  This is streaming on Netflix right now so give it a shot, you will not be disappointed.

FYI:  When appearing at Cannes Film Fest, the crowd booed at the Netflix Card on the screen.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hounds of Love

Lesson number one, don't let your kids sneak out of the house.  Lesson two, make sure that you are well aware of who your neighbors really are.  And finally our final lesson, if you have suspicions about someone, do something about it!  This is a disturbing story of a young teenage girl who is abducted, held captive and tortured by a sadistic couple with some really, really deep issues.  The story takes place in 1987 in none other than......... yep the really fucked up place of Perth, Australia.  This movie proves once again that although a beautiful place, Australia may be the freakiest habitat for the most disturbing people in the world!  The poor captive is sexually, mentally and physically abused as the couple with some serious reality issues constantly increase the tension between each other.  The young prisoner soon discovers that the only thing that may save her is her mental strength and wit, but will it work?  You have to watch for yourself.  Very well made and acted, and not very in your face graphic but a slow burn for sure.  This is really a true cinema watchers type of movie leaving you feel pretty gross to know that this stuff really happens.

FYI:  The entire movie only took 20 days to film.


I Am Not a Serial Killer

There is always a joke about the weird kid at the end of the block who could end up being a serial killer, every town has one.  Most of the time they turn out to be something great, or just a normal everyday Joe.  Although, there is that slight chance that they really are a serial killer and have the ability to slice your throat while you are sleeping off last nights kegger at the bon-fire.  This great streaming flick centers around a kid who has some tendencies that make him think he could probably be a murder, and has to stick to a routine in order to suppress them.  Well it just so happens he may be living next door to a real life sicko!  He does some investigating on his own and finds that his small, quiet town has some dark secrets.  All the while he is dealing with his own issues only to run into a huge twist that could have been corny, but ended up awesome!  This is a great flick with kind of gritty low budget feel keeping you wondering if its all real or just in the imagination of a troubled kid.

FYI:  The main kid is the same kid who played Max in Where the Wild Things Are.


The Belko Experiment

Think of the last day you spent at work.  You know, the day spent in a cubicle jungle, listening to the co-worker behind you chomping on chips too loud.  The worthless HR lady who re-directs her job 100% of the time.  Or how about that under-qualified, empty suit boss you have that shows he has no business managing anything other than the fry machine at your local Burger King.  That feeling creeps up on you, you know the one, where you just want to up and go devil on everyone.  Well, now just imagine if you didn't have a choice and were made to do just that!  Pretty cool little underrated flick called "The Belko Experiment" which takes the concept of Battle Royale to a level of corporate atmosphere.  Basically an overseas company employing many Americans lock the office down and announce over the loud speaker that if they don't kill someone, a group will be killed.  And so on, and so on, and so on.  The gore was fun, a little un-creative and pretty predictable but exciting and entertaining.  Some fun killings include death by office supplies, ax to the head, elevator, and much more!  Give this one a shot on a Thursday night after your worst day at work, trust me :)

FYI:  Actually based on a real life experiment in 1963 regarding the effects of authority.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Art of the Steal

Ever heard of this one?  That's ok.  No one has!!!  BUT, it is a hidden gem in my book.  It isn't an Oscar worthy film and doesn't have the Oceans series quality but what it does have is one thing, most movies are missing.  Kurt.  Russel!  He is so damn good and way ahead of his time that he gets overlooked in my opinion.  He carriers this film and you pull for him the entire time!  The movie is a bit of a Oceans rip off but has such a great tale of the tape quality that you cant help but watch.  It is about a heist going bad and the bro has to spend some time in the clink.  Well when he gets out he is in the need for another job, and fast but has a few tricks under his sleeve.  The way this movie plays out is really good and keeps you watching from the first second.  It is free on Amazon right now and if you are trolling through, stop on this one, it will not disappoint.  Now get to watching, and check your wallet!

FYI:  All but Russel, Dillon and Stamp, the entire cast is Canadian!  Ooof!


War for the Planet of the Apes

Hey, Ape!  Get off that horse!  Oh, wait, is that an ape on a horse?  Pretty sure that is what most people said when seeing the filming of this film.  I mean, c'mon, the circus is in dire straights but this is crazy!  Ok, just kidding this was all CGI, and a damn good job of it!  This movie was absolutely amazing!  I have watched the series of Planet of the Apes religiously since I was a kid and the last three were beyond expectations!  Every second of them are good and they only get better.  Ok, ok, I have read the terrible reviews of how they are boring and slow, but if you want to watch an epic and are interested in a type of movie you should love these.  By the way, if you don't like movies that seem unrealistic and have an epic battle scene, maybe you shouldn't watch Planet of the Apes!!!  The character development was great, the cast was awesome (Woody)!  The story just keeps building and you end up rooting for the apes the entire time!  Success in my book!  the only problem I had was rooting against my own species but for a movie, I am good to go!  Watch this damn thing!  Best of the series so far!

FYI:  This is the 5th film Steve Zahn voiced a character in a movie.  Yes, it was Steve Zahn!



Well, what took you so long?  Seriously, this movie has been out for a while now and you are just now getting to it?!?!  Well, me too, and it was a stretch to even start the damn thing.  I am really glad I did, but first I will preface it with why.  I think that if you are sitting around on a rainy night and you are looking for a chill good story to hear about, this is the one for you.  I myself love true (or supposedly true) stories with a hero and some hard core adversity in the way.  This is it!  First off, Tom Hanks is awesome in jsut abut anything, very few exceptions.  Second, the dude landed a plane in the Hudson as it was crashing and saved the lives of over 200 passengers.  Lastly, what a career!  Really, think about the hours in the air with no incidents and to have a movie made about you is pretty bad ass.  This film has a lot of Flight in it, but enough of a difference to separate Denzelle from Hanks.  Watch this movie as it will keep you interested and on the edge of your seat routing for the good guy the entire time!

FYI:  This is Clint Eastwood's 35th motion picture release as a Director!  Who knew!?


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Baby Driver

Don't be fooled by the cheese in the title, this movie was unique, action packed, full of outstanding acting and actors, and a bad-ass, over the top, incredible soundtrack!  First off I will start by saying a few things; Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, Jon Hamm, Jon Bernthal, and Flea!  Now think the original Point Break mixed with Heat, and The Heist but much cooler!  Now throw in a stylistic, artistic, sync of film and music to the point where everything flows absolutely perfectly!  Here you have Baby, a young kid getaway driver for a variety of bank robbing crews put together by Spacey.  Baby hates is gig, but is under the thumb of Spacey, who is the mastermind behind the whole show.  Baby has a bit of a ring in his head since he was a kid and in a car accident so he constantly listens to his headphones.  The entire movie is based around his own soundtrack and choreographed to fall perfectly within each song and its beats.  I cant say enough how much I loved this movie!  My kids loved it and even my wife loved it, and she doesn't love anything!  Run to the theater and watch this, and yes, its a theater kind of movie!

FYI:  Jamie Foxx claimed that Jon Hamm was far too handsome to play this part.



Not to be confused with "Fool's Gold", the other movie with McConaughey where he was much better looking, had a full head of hair, and a better looking babe.  No this is one of the years most underrated and non commercialized movies, if not the most!  I could call it a hidden gem, but I think it crosses the line of actually being hidden.  Ahhh, gold!  You know all about the gold market by now, especially since the market became saturated with "We Buy Gold" kiosks a few years back.  Well this takes place a few years before we all knew about it, and focuses on a down on his luck prospector who teams with a long shot geologist to strike it rich finding a gold mine.  Both who are hungry and have extremely high aspirations head to Indonesia where everything goes wrong, only to fall perfectly in place.  Well there are some twists and turns along the way and the movie turns into Wolf of Wall Street, meets Blood Diamond in a way.  This true story was absolutely incredible!  Maybe because I didn't expect a whole lot going in, but damn, it knocked my socks off.  McConaughey can certainly transform himself which is why he is one of our generations better actors, but the story itself really killed it.  Definitely watch this movie, especially if you have a box of Grandmas old gold hidden in your closet.

FYI:  McConaughey gained 45 lbs for this movie by eating cheeseburgers, beer, and milkshakes!


King Arthur-Legend of the Sword

I bet you didn't know that Arthur was not only a Pugilist, but a master swordsman, an expert pickpocket, oh and by the way, a king.  Yes, this is the same "sword in the stone" story but with a huge stylistic overtone that none other than Guy Richie can bring.  This was true Snatch and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels of fun!  I held off on watching this for some time due to the terrible reviews I was reading, especially one that said, "Worst movie ever made!"   This movie was truly overwhelming and filmed in such an outstanding way that it was nothing short of awesome!  The Guy Richie type flash scenes and stop action movements along with a really cool and interesting back story made this eye popping and keeps you on the edge of your seat.  The acting was quite good, although there were some cardboard parts, I think maybe the writing had a little to do with that.  Tells the story of young Arthur getting sent from his kingdom and robbed of his birthright to be the next king.  He has to build himself back up through the gutters learning how to fight, steal and battle in order to make him a feared slum lord.  Definitely watch this movie, especially if your a fan of Guy Richie films!

FYI:  Hunnam got up to 1,050 push ups in a single day while physically getting ready for the role.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Cure for Wellness

I were a Medicare Supplement salesman, (which I am), this little well-springs club med would be a place I would definitely set up shop!  You may have to act in the order of 1. sell your soul 2. drink the Kool-Aid (water) and 3. work well with eels.  This movie was hammered by the critics and most people I spoke with had no ambition to even watch it.  Well, they were all wrong.  This was a very strong creative movie that kept you guessing the mystery behind the characters and the story.  It was creepy but in a very stylistic and modern way that had an artsy feel but not too pretentious.  You will find yourself trying to figure things out only to come to a dead end, until the end.  The story (in short with some spoilers) is this.  A young, ambitious business man is sent to this Swiss wellness center to retrieve his former CEO.  Upon arriving and realizing the place is a little off, he is ready to jump ship.  Low and behold, there is a car accident as he is leaving and winds up right back at the center unable to leave until he is "Cured".  He finds himself enthralled into the mystery of its guests, and the creepy Doctor.  There are clues throughout and a really good mesmerizing story and an awesome soundtrack!  Play this game while watching:  Each time you see water, take drinks from your glass. :)

FYI:  $40 million budget, To date gross, $8 million.  Oops!


Fist Fight

Remember High School?  I know, it was a looooong time ago, but think back.  What type of battle royale would have happened if two of your teachers got into a fight after school?!  It would have been epic, of course!  I know who I would match up from my high school, some would get thrown in there just because I hated them.  Well this genius idea of a movie pairs Charlie Day and Ice Cube, which is a great duo to begin with.  Day being a weaselly little do-gooder and Cube being the hard, inner-city tough teacher end up finding themselves in a situation with the principal who is in the process of lay offs.  Low and behold, Day sells out Cube and the tension begins for the after school brawl.  This movie was actually great!  It was funny, the idea was hilarious, the characters were perfect for their roles and of course it was completely outlandish!  Its light and exactly what you think, a comedy not looking to win any awards.  Sure, it tries a little too hard at times but go in with no expectations.  Give it a shot, we watched it with our kids which wasn't the best parenting but they laughed a lot!

FYI:  Welcome back Tracy Morgan!


Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Girl With All the Gifts

Stupid humans, dont you know when zombies attack, they always win?!  You have what they want, blood, and brains, and flesh and whatever.  Unless its the Walking Dead, most modern day zombie flicks have some pretty bad ass fast moving and vicious monsters who can overtake a city in no time.  This awesome movie was a mix of I Am Legend and World War Z type monsters and they didn't disappoint!  The movie surrounds a group of "second generation" zombies who can suppress their appetite for flesh for a short time.  They can also learn and are put into classrooms in order to make them more efficient for the survival of the human race by being tested.  Essentially the compound they are being kept gets overrun and a small group goes out to try and find refuge bringing along a sole blood thirsty kid zombie.  The movie had excellent flow and was a very well written story.  The young girl who plays the zombie was outstanding and had some great acting chops.  The story wasn't happy and I wasnt quite sure why some of the events happened but was a really good fresh take on the zombie genre.  Give this movie a try, you wont be disappointed.

FYI:  Glen Close's sister is a huge zombie movie fan and was awarded a part as a zombie in the film.


Hell House LLC

We are back with another found footage film!  You know I love em, and if your tired of this genre, give this one a shot!  So you are thinking of putting on a haunted house production?  Why not choose one of the spookiest locations possible with a history of murder and chaos surrounding the site?  Never mind the lack of research, professionalism of the crew, and money.  Who needs that shit!  Lets just scare some people!  This movie was an awesome hidden Amazon gem that had a surprisingly good take on the found footage shtick.  It had great elements that horror fans usually love such as haunted house, mysterious killer entity, scary clowns, a hot chick, and a cool ending.  There were a few portions of this film that left me a little bit bitter, such as the evil cloaks, the brush off of the main foreman, and the fact that they were sleeping in the house but otherwise this is a must see.  Don't be confused with the multiple other movies titles, Hell House, this one has LLC after it to make it much more authentic!

FYI:  Filmed in an actual haunted attraction in Pennsylvania.


War Machine

Well done Netflix!  Your movie making chops are right up there with the big boys!  Amidst all of the negative reviews of this movie and the audience boo's of boredom, I thought this movie rocked!  Based on the real life of  General Stanley McChrystal, this over acted, satire mimics the brash arrogance of the US Military in a squad assembled to "win the war".  Pitt plays a charismatic 4 star general who not only is a true war hero, but the best of the best of the best at what he does.  Unfortunately his entire life is a routine militant expose of standards and success.  This has completely ruined his personal life and he truly has no skills outside of the war room.  The characters in this film are eccentric and quirky but totally accurate of military personnel to the extreme.  Pitt plays the gruff old general perfectly with every nuance from his running style to his hand motions and the matter-of-fact answers given to complicated questions are hilarious!  Give this one a try and look deep into its true meaning of the human psyche and what it means to give your entire life to one thing, or just watch and laugh!

FYI:  The real General McChrystal was brought down by a Rolling Stone Magazine article.



For those of you complaining about the "all white" Oscars last year, I think you drastically overlooked the fact that regardless of color, a good movie is a good movie.  Not only did Moonlight steal the show this year (literally for best picture), it was very much deserving of its award!  I finally got around to watching this last night and was so enthralled into its content that I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen.  It helps that I am overwhelmingly interested in the young, black, bullied, inner-city, confused, underdeveloped, gay man with a crackhead mother and no role model figures.  Not to be too specific or give away any spoilers but that is the story right there.  Outstanding story following the life of a bullied child and his ghetto surroundings in Miami who is confused about the obstacles he faces through life.  Only to find himself getting some sort of inner piece through some very unlikely sources.  There are three sections of this mans life that are focused on starting with his adolescence through his teenage and young adult life.  The acting was excellent, the stylistic cinematography impressive and the way the story unfolds was mesmerizing.  Definitely give this a shot if you haven't already!

FYI:  Thanks to Brad Pitt, this movie got its funding of $1.5 million to get off the ground.



I am pretty sure the phrase, "tastes like chicken" has been around since the beginning of time, or the beginning of chicken anyway.  Seriously, is it about chicken that makes everything else compare to its deliciousness?  Well, red meat may just be the exception, especially when its the human kind!  This awesome foreign film is based on a young woman who was raised as a strict vegetarian and being sent off to the prestigious veterinarian school that her parents attended.  Un-prepared for the initial week of hazing and initiation she is thrust into a world of partying and pranks.  One of the disgusting things the upper class does is make the freshman eat a raw piece of rabbit kidney.  After that, this young woman starts to spiral out of control with an unquenched appetite for human flesh!  Lots of gross out scenes and some really gnarly sexual escapades but just missing a little something.  It might have been the mood I was in but just wasn't all that into it.  I liked the story and the acting but was waiting for a little more.  It was also hard for me to believe the self inflicting pain scenes without thinking, "how does that not hurt like hell!?!"  Give this one a watch unless you get queezy at the sight of blood.  Now go get yourself a rare steak!

FYI:  To prepare herself for the withdrawal scene, the lead actress watched Trainspotting.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017


And here we go again, another sci-fi thriller with the most un-explored area of our universe, space!  Lets take a scenario quiz; You find a life form on Mars, bring it upon your ship and begin testing.  What are your options?  Do you, have blatant disregard for protocol and begin to get sloppy with your work?  How about ignore your chain of command and push the limits for your own personal agenda?  Maybe, you fuck with the life form until it turns on you and proves to be an organism much higher on the food chain than you are!  There was some really good and some really bad about this movie, overall I liked it and thought it was entertaining but the more I thought about it, the more I hated how they chopped up a great idea with some really good actors.  Here we have another edition of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!  The Good:  Really cool alien and the movements were very organic and showed lots of character.  The Bad:  Empty characters with some pretty bad writing.  The Ugly:  Definitely not the astronauts who all look like models, but the fact that they were all pretty damn stupid for being the smartest scientist in the world.  BTW, was Gyllenhall's character an MD, a fighter pilot, and a world renowned astronaut and scientist???  Nice resume!  Give this one a shot and just don't take it too seriously, its worth the watch.

FYI:  Ryan Reynolds was initially supposed to play the lead, but had scheduling conflicts.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Beyond the Gates

Just when you thought the VCR was out of commission!  Remember going to the local video store and renting VHS?  Those where the good ole days, then having to rewind or you get charged.  Now, to go along with that, remember the old VCR board games?  I had one called Nightmare, it was awesome!  Well this little gem on Netflix is about a pair of brothers who discover one of those games in their parents old video store and get sucked into its deadly game.  This has a total 80's feel to it and is extremely low budget but was surprisingly well made and was an awesome story.  It gets a little thin at the end but has kind of a slow burn with a few jump scares and some unexpected gore that made it an excellent watch.  There were some glimpses of really good, and really bad acting with all of the expected cliches, but perfect for the 80's genre feel.  The set was probably the most obvious low budget factor of all, but was pretty much unnoticed.  Also, the girlfriend is super hot and you may recognize her from Hero's.  This was a really good find if your not expecting too much and like the old horror genre.  It reminded me of watching late night horror movies as a kid in the 80's and loving them.  Give this one a try, and wait until the credits are over for a quick surprise.

FYI:  The most expensive prop in the movie was actually the iron gate used in the basement!


I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

Streaming on Netflix right now!  Check it out, right now!  This is one of the best hidden gems I have seen in a while!  I had serious low expectations, mainly because I really don't like Elijah Wood and it looks like a campy kind of throw away.  I should have known better because this one is awesome.  It is very tongue in cheek, dark humor with a good pace and some very dry comedy.  With humor referencing movies such as Napoleon Dynamite and other indie films, then throwing in some real drama and some serious gore.  The acting was excellent and each character was completely believable showing a controlled pace and fun disposition.  Centered about a depressed woman who is completely fed up with people in this world.  She is robbed and takes on a new purpose in life to track down the thieves and feel alive again.  She teams up with an unlikely partner who lives down the street and they begin the detective work.  They end up encountering douche bags, thugs, elite upper class, and idiots only to be a little over their head in the game.  This is a great movie that you really should enjoy, its worth the watch!

FYI:  The Trans Am used in this movie is actually the directors car that he bought to restore.



Like prison movies?  I love em!  I know what youre thinking, "they are all the same".  Hardly!  Well, maybe, but that's probably why I like them and want to show them to my kids as a deterrent for never, ever going to prison!  So you basically have a check list to make a successful flick about being in the clink.  Gangs, check.  An evil warden, check.  A bad-ass prisoner who basically runs the joint, check. Rape, check.  The wise old lifer, who has knowledge of every scenario, check.   Lastly, a noble inmate who was wrongfully convicted, check!  Convict is no different featuring an ex military hero who is convicted for defending his girlfriend, you know just like Lock-Up, Felon, Con-Air, etc.  This one is pretty gritty with some disturbing shit that goes on and really keeps you guessing, or maybe hoping for some light to shine.  Really good acting, and a view from a foreign prison that is a bit different than your usual American lock ups.  This is available with Amazon Prime right now and totally worth the watch.  Give it a shot just before you are getting ready to commit a crime, it might help!

FYI:  Parramatta Prison in Australia opened in 1842



I think there are some basic rules when planning a Caribbean vacation.  Most are your basic everyday skills such as how to pull start an engine such as a lawn mower or motor boat.  First of all, obvious planning is required when doing certain things.  For instance, when taking a day trip out on the ocean in a rented boat, take some water, maybe some food, tell someone what you are planning to do, don't be an idiot.  You know, things like that.  Now, the story centers around a heart surgeon, who could quite possibly be the stupidest doc in history, but also showing unbelievable stints of genius.  He takes his wife and young son on a trip to the Caribbean, rents a bucket, goes WAY to far out into the ocean, finds an island in the middle of nowhere and guess what, his boat breaks down.  Stranded they set off to sea floating around for a few days to be rescued by a fisherman.  Thank God!  Not quite, he wants a million buckeroos or he will strand the family leaving them for dead.  After the doc agrees he seems to get his ass kicked by the skinniest islander in the world a few times, tricked, under suspicion from the cops all while his wife and son have no food or water stranded on an island.  Dr. Adventure all of a sudden becomes an expert at maritime mapping, boats and mechanics, as well as public access and guns.  The chase begins!  I would say this is a little more of a made for TV type flick, but ok for a watch.  Not an oscar winner by any means but enjoyable.

FYI:  The hot wife in this is the same little girl from the movie "Thinner"


Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Remember the Nerd from science class in High School that wore the shirt saying, "Robots do it Better"?  We we finally have proof!  The nerds were right!  A true hidden gem found on Netflix recently that is a must watch for the true movie buff.  In the spirit of Ex-Machina, even though made three years prior, this movie tells a tale of a socially awkward robotics nerd who has created his own artificial intelligence.  It's a robot with an uncanny resemblance to a real human.  Still in the learning mode, he acts a little confused when involved in certain situations but his AI keeps him developing to the point of wanting to be human.  Fortunately for it, a discovery of porn enters shortly after the hot grad student signs on for a week long interview session with the couple.  Jealousy, rage, and confusion enter the picture and the robot becomes suspicious.  This movie had some really good acting and the story/script was outstanding.  Unfortunately there was something missing.  I cont quite put my finger on it and think maybe it was either the somewhat predictable ending, or the few scenes where it almost had a made for TV feel?  I wish it would have had a little bigger budget as to incorporate more suspense, characters, action, sci-fi, whatever.  Overall, great film with a truly good performance.

FYI:  There are only 4 actors in the entire film.



Going out to dinner?  I have a great recommendation for a babysitter for the kids!  Oh, she is just great with them, her name is Emelie.  Boo-hoo, quit complaining!  So she's a little sadistic, cold and down right mean as hell.  You got your night out at Applebee's didn't you!?!?  Hidden gem alert here, this movie was surprisingly really good.  Disturbing and gut wrenching at times but totally unexpected!  I caught my 9 year old watching it the other day, and had to quickly turn it to let him know I will have to watch it first.  Good thing he only saw about 10 minutes of the end.  The parents have a dinner and the usual sitter is sick so they get the highly recommended substitute, only she isn't who they think.  There are some creepy moments in this film where it takes some psychological twists and pretty unnerving events, especially if you have kids of your own.  There are a few paint by numbers directions here, and the 9 year old boy seems years beyond a true 9 year old, but that's Hollywood for you.  I would highly recommend this one, and be sure to watch with the kids!

FYI:  5 children were actually murdered in the making of this film.


Stop At Nothing

Think riding you bike hundreds of miles a week makes your testicles go bad?  Okay, that was just ridiculous, but how about that plus hundreds of cc's of performance enhancing drugs?  My money is on the latter.  Just look at the worlds greatest athlete, Lance Armstrong.  I have said it in previous reviews that I am obsessed with the Lance story.  (Look up my previous review of "The Program").  I am not sure if I just love to hate this guy or I'm in awe of him and his endless lies that fooled the world for so damn long.  I mean, he spun a web for over a decade being in the public eye constantly and was fucking untouchable!  I am always a little on the fence about PED's.  I know they help cheaters win, but you still have to have the physical and mental ability to do these amazing things.  Always takes me back to the Saturday Night Live, "All Drug Olympics" skit.  Anyway, this is a documentary on the Lance story showing behind the scenes footage of his team and controversial hearings that were thrown out at almost every corner.  If you have any interest in the worlds biggest fraud, watch this immediately.  Now get on your bikes and ride!

FYI:  Lance allegedly hired people to spy on some of his biggest threats, then threaten their life.


The Circle

Social media junkies unite!  Science fiction users will share, post, comment, discuss, argue everything!!!  WAIT!  That's real life and happening right now.  Look, someone just posted another picture of their dinner.  Oh, and there is a picture of a perfect family at the beach, again.  Don't forget the political rants!  Welcome to, "The Circle"!  I mean, "Facebook"!  This is an over dramatic rendition of the worlds largest tech company run by a Steve Jobs type character (Hanks) who is a little more sinister than he seems.  The company is full of Millennial's brain washed into drinking way too much Kool-Aid in order to survive and flourish in this trendy company.  In walks Watson, who now finally has her dream job finding it hard to fit in with the ever updating culture of The Circle.  She ends up drinking the juice and off she goes deeper than anyone before her.  The tale unfolds and life's tragedy meets the blinded world of the social media focus.  Hanks is good but would have liked to see him a little more of an asshole.  Watson, although cute, is pretty dull.  The best character is Bill Paxton who plays an ailing father suffering from MS.  Give this one a shot for a non-thinker but don't pay for it.  Otherwise, just wait because it will be a Saturday afternoon TBS movie played weekly very soon.

FYI:  Test audiences for this film had extreme dislike for Emma Watson in this roll.


Manchester by the Sea

Well how much more depressing can life get?  Watch this flick and you will see just how bad things can go for some.  We all know those people with a dark cloud over their heads and no matter what they do it rains on them.  Here, it seems a whole city is filled with them!  This drama filled movie (which was well deserving of its awards btw) has you follow a depressed, angry, sad handyman who just finds out his brother is dead and he is appointed as the legal guardian of his teenage son.  Not unlike most, he resists the idea of taking over the responsibilities and moving back to the town he was raised.  All the while, being back home for the funeral he is constantly reminded of his really shitty past that is not only disturbing but heartbreaking and our famous lead gets no redemption what so ever!  Affleck is awesome throughout, Williams is a snooze fest as always but the cast worked great together.  The speech was heavily East Coast and you almost need an interpreter half the time but I was thoroughly impressed with the writing.  This is a must watch and its on Amazon Prime!

FYI:  Opening weekend for the film only brought in $250k!  It is now well over $47 Million!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

WTF?  Another Desert Storm war movie?!  This time with a female, American, comedy stand up as lead?!  Well done Hollywood, yet again you take a serious situation and stink it up!  Oh, wait.  This is Tina Fey playing a real life reporter who wrote a book in which this movie is based.  Also, its not really a comedy.  Well, it starts out as one but quickly evolves into a really good drama recanting the events of a reporters life while in the Middle East covering the war.  Sure they throw in a bit of a love story, some drama, some action, some serious moments that are deep thinking type scenarios, but a really surprisingly good movie.  The best part, Margot Robbie!  Not sure if you have ever noticed but she is super hot!  This film deals with the industry sexism and politics of the news world.  It dives into the inner realm of a dog eat dog profession and takes an emotional toll on those who are sent there.  Check this one out, its a pretty good watch and will keep you interested throughout.

FYI:  When asked, 80% of people didn't know what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot stood for!



Move over Sybil, there's a new schitzo in town and his name is Kevin / Barry / Patricia / Hedwig / Dennis, etc.  Overall there are 23 different personalities within this lunatic's head.  Now imagine being trapped in a basement by this freak and each time you see him he has changed from one person to another.  Sounds like a fun game to me!  The story unfolds as three young girls are kidnapped and taken to some sort of home made underground chamber meeting each of the personalities one by one.  One girl has some demons of her own that may just help her get through this ordeal, but where does she go from here.  The story is very well done and keeps you in suspense in true Shyamalan fashion.  McAvoy is outstanding constantly changing accents, mannerisms, expressions, and tones to really have the viewer thinking your watching separate people.  The only down side to me was the backstory of one of the girls.  I wanted to know more and was hoping for a stronger outcome.  I loved this movie and there are some tie ins with other M. Night movies.  I would suggest watching this one and pay attention, there may be more to it than you think.

FYI:  Joaquin Phoenix almost had this lead roll!  Thank God!


Monday, April 3, 2017


Oh Canada, lighten up!  You think your the only country where something bad happens?  I can tell you one thing, there are some seriously messed up people in that country!  I mean, just look at the old comedy show SCTV!  Back to the main topic, Karla!  NetFlix has this baby ready to watch, but don't get your hopes up, there is no Laura Prepon naked.  Its based on the true story of a young married couple who kidnaps, rapes, beats and kills young girls.  Canada is so sensitive to this subject that they tried to boycott the film on numerous occasions.  They still hate the fact that it was ever made.  It is a disturbing story and can be researched to be very accurate.  It has a made for TV feel which is disappointing but keeps you watching.  The entire film I found myself in disbelief that any woman would let this happen, but the more you get into it, you aren't quite sure if Karla had a lot more to do with it or not.  The worst part is one of the victims is Karla's own little sister.  I feel like its a story that should be heard and will make you cringe at times but worth a watch.

FYI:  Misha Collins says he wishes he would have never been a part of the movie after the public backlash.



Have you ever been laying in bed at night and heard the creaking sounds coming from your attic or walls?  I know you have, we all have.  Well guess what?  Its not just the pipes or the house settling or the wind.  It is something much more sinister, but don't worry, you have do anything about it anyway so prepare for total damnation!  I found this flick the other day on HBO, and really wanted it to be a hidden gem.  I think I was tired and wanted it to be good a little more than it actually was, but I still enjoyed its low quality and "B" rated feel.  First off I will say its a total rip off.  There are a number of movies like it, (Crawlspace, The Boy, Hider in the House) we have all seen them before and nothing really new here.  The director tries to make you feel like there are a number of suspects including the creepy Scoopy Doo type neighbor, ghosts, or even the schizophrenic route.  The first half was pretty good and kept you on your toes a little, then it just gets a bit cheesy.  I found myself constantly yelling at the idiots in the house making the worst decisions I have ever seen.  There were some positives, such as a super hot step mom, and an even hotter daughter but unfortunately no gratuitous nudity.  Not a bad flick, it is exactly what you expect and the end, although a bit of a surprise still pretty bland.

FYI:  One of the extras in this movie (next door squatter) died shortly after the films release.


Office Christmas Party

I would work at a failing company if they threw an office party like this!  Shit tons of booze, drugs, sex, violence, you know like at the Hobby Lobby corporate parties.  Unfortunately I had extreme high hopes for this one, especially with the all star cast.  It was pretty much a total dud.  The idea was great, and was open to a "Hangover" type of greatness.  Instead it was a film where I literally found myself trying to laugh.  I was constantly waiting for the big laugh payoff, or the awesome moment where things got crazy unique and fun.  Well, needless to say, it didn't happen.  I love Bateman who was underused.  TJ Miller is awesome but came off as bored.  Aniston, who is so incredibly hot, was probably the best part of the movie.  Kate McKinnon, who had all the right tools for the nerdy HR lady just kind of fizzled.  Overall, it was just a hodge podge of could be funny ideas written and executed all wrong.  I would say if you want some mindless film watching go ahead, but I would probably skip this one.

FYI:  All of the props and furniture in this movie were donated to an Atlanta furniture type goodwill.


Here Alone

We have all had the conversation of, "what would you do when the zombie apocalypse comes?"  I know the exact spot I would go, what I would bring, and what my escape plan would be.  Well, unfortunately for this lonely woods dwelling woman, a couple of drifters come and screw it all up for her.  She had the routine, the rations, the perfect set up and was careful and smart about her existence.  Just like every zombie movie, its the humans that screw things up.  This is a great take on the whole close to being played out zombie movement.  The dead are more like the World War Z and 28 days type of zombies.  Fast, strong, and hungry for blood.  It basically starts as a virus and infects most of the population.  The story revolves around a 30's something woman who is just surviving day to day with the burden of her family being dead from the disease.  She stumbles upon some drifters and helps them along coming to a crossroads of what to do next.  Good suspense, jsut enough zombie action and a bit of a twist.  I would highly recommend this, be prepared for a slower drama, not an action packed flick but well worth the watch.

FYI:  Many of the wounds in this movie were real.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017


"Old man look in my eyes, I'm a lot like you were."  That song rang through my head most of this movie, and thought it would have been fitting to have it play at some point during the 2 1/2 hour epic!  Nope, didn't have much to offer at all other than an old ass super hero trying to stay hidden from the world and drive people around as a cabbie.  Oh, thanks Marvel, for conforming to the all too familiar film set up by throwing a kid as the main actor and focal point.  That should bring them in so you can cash your corporate paycheck!!!  Just kidding, that was all complete bullshit.  This was the best superhero movie yet!  The only exception would be The Dark Knight, but this was completely awesome!  There were a lot of "didn't see that coming" moments and the story was outstanding.  I loved that it was a future world where Mutants were pretty much all in hiding or extinct.  This movie was very much catered to the more mature comic movie fan with some language and gore but all I could say after was WOW!  Basically it was a story based on new hope for the mutant generations to come with a new breed being able to stand for what is right.  I would highly, highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes action, comic book movies, and Wolverine!

FYI:  This Marvel movie does not feature a Stan Lee cameo.  ;(


Kong: Skull Island

Poor misunderstood monkey.  He just wants to be left alone on the most dangerous island of all time.  You know the place, basically where nightmares come from.  Well amidst the giant acid spitting spiders, the flesh eating insects, the bone crushing lizard things that live underground there is a cute cuddly 140 ft tall gorilla.  And he hates people messing with his shit!  This is by far the best Kong movie yet!  It was awesome in every sense of the word with a really cool premise that strayed a little from the originals.  There were a lot of Easter Eggs in this film, many of which were obvious but funny.  Quite a few undertones of Apocalypse Now, Jurassic Park, and Monster Island.  John C. Riley had some awesome lines in his typical idiotic fashion that was much needed in terms of some witty smart comedy.  Jackson played the ruthless war hero well with some good lines such as "hold on to your butts!"  Brie Larson has never really done anything for me until this movie.  Super hot with lots of slow motion, windy hair scenes.  We also have a reunion of Dr. Dre and Easy E!  I have to say though, the best part of this movie was the soundtrack.  It consisted of all 70's Vietnam War songs and were placed perfectly.  Definitely go see this movie!

FYI:  John C. Riley's character was supposed to go to Michael Keaton



Ever thought about moseying on down to your cities seedy area to mess with some bums?  You know, make em fight, fight them, steal stuff from them.  Good ole American fun!  Well if you are preparing for it, make sure you watch this movie first as a survival guide, and stay out of their neighborhood!  This is about as "B" rated as it gets with all the bells and whistles.  Bad acting, no name actors, cheesy camera work and angles, and terrible editing.  With all of that (and I love cheesy B movies) this movie had something that made it really good!  The story was cool.  A group a rich USC college students find themselves in the wrong part of a bum infested area of LA.  This area happens to be run by bums, and they are angry and out for blood!  It kind of has a "Warriors" feel to it with a number of different bums chasing down the survivor into different neighborhoods all through the night.  Extremely low budget and you have to take it for what its worth but the story and soundtrack alone are worth the watch.  Now lets go fight some bums!

FYI:  The crew was actually run down by a group of homeless men at one point during filming.


The Edge of Seventeen

Ahhh, teenage angst.  Do you love it?  There is just something about an almost witty, somewhat smart-ass comment from the narcissistic views of a know it all teen.  If you have a teenager, especially teenage girl, sit them down and watch this with them, it is hilarious!  I watched it with my 14 year old, and even though there are a few uncomfortable moments it is awesome!  The movie is based around Nadine, a 17 year old who is a bit awkward, kind of an introvert, and has one single friend in her horrible high school life.  That same friend just so happens to hook up with Nadine's super popular, good looking brother and it all goes down hill from there.  The best part of the movie, other than the real situations and true feel of it, is the relaxed teacher with an almost dont care attitude played by Woody Harrelson.  He seriously steals the show, and locks down the chemistry he has with the other actors.  This is a great movie that will not only help your teenager see how ridiculous they are most of the time, but also as a parent help to remember how life really did suck at times when your comparison factor was extremely minimal.  Give it a shot!

FYI:  Erwin who plays Nadines somewhat interest is 10 years older than her in real life.


Sausage Party

Well, how many times do you think you can use the word "F**K" in the first 20 minutes of a movie?  If you think its less than about 500 you would be wrong!  Now picture those vulgarities coming out of cartoon food.  There you have it, Sausage Party.  Rude, crude, over the top, disgusting, inappropriate, ridiculous, and I loved every second of it!  The story is from the point of view of food at a grocery store who all think that once you are "chosen" by the humans (Gods) you go to this euphoric fantasy land like heaven.  Well, one product gets returned and gives an unsuspecting hot dog the real news of what happens outside of the store, murder!  His goal is to find the truth and educate the others but no one will listen because their faith in what has been passed down.  The movie is really funny and extremely smart with types of food depicting the characteristics of their origin.  There are so many great voices and lines that unless you are in a really bad mood, you will laugh a lot.  Terrible for anyone under the age of 18, and not good to watch with your kids, but a fun throwaway to watch with your significant other, and who knows, if you are into some kinky stuff, this might actually turn you on!

FYI:  The preview for this accidentally played before Finding Dory in a California theater, oops!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Get Out

Ahhh, the racist undertones of the white loving controversial film maker Jordan Peele.  What do you expect from a guy who this type of movie.  Of course the black people are going to be portrayed as some Uncle Tom servants!  I've had it with this type of casting!  The Academy will definitely be on board with this one!  Wait, Jordan Peele is a black guy, you know from Key and Peele!  Who would have thought that this comedic superstar could turn to making a downright awesome horror/thriller like Get Out.  It did have a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes at one point so for those of you who have doubts, check this one out.  Basically two college age kids take a trip to rich-ville to spend some time with the girlfriends parents.  She is white by the way and hasn't told them he is black.  Well once they arrive he notices that the servants are also black but almost in a trance like state.  Well, he falls into a place where he keeps finding out things just aren't as they seem.  This is an outstanding movie with twists that are somewhat predictable but perfectly justified as the movie would have sucked if not.  Good acting, great story, and awesome twists.  Go see this movie!

FYI:  Budget for the film $5 Mil.  Opening weekend $33 Mil.  Success?
