Friday, May 19, 2017

Beyond the Gates

Just when you thought the VCR was out of commission!  Remember going to the local video store and renting VHS?  Those where the good ole days, then having to rewind or you get charged.  Now, to go along with that, remember the old VCR board games?  I had one called Nightmare, it was awesome!  Well this little gem on Netflix is about a pair of brothers who discover one of those games in their parents old video store and get sucked into its deadly game.  This has a total 80's feel to it and is extremely low budget but was surprisingly well made and was an awesome story.  It gets a little thin at the end but has kind of a slow burn with a few jump scares and some unexpected gore that made it an excellent watch.  There were some glimpses of really good, and really bad acting with all of the expected cliches, but perfect for the 80's genre feel.  The set was probably the most obvious low budget factor of all, but was pretty much unnoticed.  Also, the girlfriend is super hot and you may recognize her from Hero's.  This was a really good find if your not expecting too much and like the old horror genre.  It reminded me of watching late night horror movies as a kid in the 80's and loving them.  Give this one a try, and wait until the credits are over for a quick surprise.

FYI:  The most expensive prop in the movie was actually the iron gate used in the basement!


1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to watch this one... time to check it out!
