Friday, May 19, 2017


I think there are some basic rules when planning a Caribbean vacation.  Most are your basic everyday skills such as how to pull start an engine such as a lawn mower or motor boat.  First of all, obvious planning is required when doing certain things.  For instance, when taking a day trip out on the ocean in a rented boat, take some water, maybe some food, tell someone what you are planning to do, don't be an idiot.  You know, things like that.  Now, the story centers around a heart surgeon, who could quite possibly be the stupidest doc in history, but also showing unbelievable stints of genius.  He takes his wife and young son on a trip to the Caribbean, rents a bucket, goes WAY to far out into the ocean, finds an island in the middle of nowhere and guess what, his boat breaks down.  Stranded they set off to sea floating around for a few days to be rescued by a fisherman.  Thank God!  Not quite, he wants a million buckeroos or he will strand the family leaving them for dead.  After the doc agrees he seems to get his ass kicked by the skinniest islander in the world a few times, tricked, under suspicion from the cops all while his wife and son have no food or water stranded on an island.  Dr. Adventure all of a sudden becomes an expert at maritime mapping, boats and mechanics, as well as public access and guns.  The chase begins!  I would say this is a little more of a made for TV type flick, but ok for a watch.  Not an oscar winner by any means but enjoyable.

FYI:  The hot wife in this is the same little girl from the movie "Thinner"


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