Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Going out to dinner?  I have a great recommendation for a babysitter for the kids!  Oh, she is just great with them, her name is Emelie.  Boo-hoo, quit complaining!  So she's a little sadistic, cold and down right mean as hell.  You got your night out at Applebee's didn't you!?!?  Hidden gem alert here, this movie was surprisingly really good.  Disturbing and gut wrenching at times but totally unexpected!  I caught my 9 year old watching it the other day, and had to quickly turn it to let him know I will have to watch it first.  Good thing he only saw about 10 minutes of the end.  The parents have a dinner and the usual sitter is sick so they get the highly recommended substitute, only she isn't who they think.  There are some creepy moments in this film where it takes some psychological twists and pretty unnerving events, especially if you have kids of your own.  There are a few paint by numbers directions here, and the 9 year old boy seems years beyond a true 9 year old, but that's Hollywood for you.  I would highly recommend this one, and be sure to watch with the kids!

FYI:  5 children were actually murdered in the making of this film.


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on this one. Really good movie. I love movies that make you feel uncomfortable and this one definitely does that.
