Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Circle

Social media junkies unite!  Science fiction users will share, post, comment, discuss, argue everything!!!  WAIT!  That's real life and happening right now.  Look, someone just posted another picture of their dinner.  Oh, and there is a picture of a perfect family at the beach, again.  Don't forget the political rants!  Welcome to, "The Circle"!  I mean, "Facebook"!  This is an over dramatic rendition of the worlds largest tech company run by a Steve Jobs type character (Hanks) who is a little more sinister than he seems.  The company is full of Millennial's brain washed into drinking way too much Kool-Aid in order to survive and flourish in this trendy company.  In walks Watson, who now finally has her dream job finding it hard to fit in with the ever updating culture of The Circle.  She ends up drinking the juice and off she goes deeper than anyone before her.  The tale unfolds and life's tragedy meets the blinded world of the social media focus.  Hanks is good but would have liked to see him a little more of an asshole.  Watson, although cute, is pretty dull.  The best character is Bill Paxton who plays an ailing father suffering from MS.  Give this one a shot for a non-thinker but don't pay for it.  Otherwise, just wait because it will be a Saturday afternoon TBS movie played weekly very soon.

FYI:  Test audiences for this film had extreme dislike for Emma Watson in this roll.


1 comment:

  1. We saw this in the theater a couple weeks ago and I thought it was terrible. The first few minutes seemed promising but it was just a mess.
