Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Manchester by the Sea

Well how much more depressing can life get?  Watch this flick and you will see just how bad things can go for some.  We all know those people with a dark cloud over their heads and no matter what they do it rains on them.  Here, it seems a whole city is filled with them!  This drama filled movie (which was well deserving of its awards btw) has you follow a depressed, angry, sad handyman who just finds out his brother is dead and he is appointed as the legal guardian of his teenage son.  Not unlike most, he resists the idea of taking over the responsibilities and moving back to the town he was raised.  All the while, being back home for the funeral he is constantly reminded of his really shitty past that is not only disturbing but heartbreaking and our famous lead gets no redemption what so ever!  Affleck is awesome throughout, Williams is a snooze fest as always but the cast worked great together.  The speech was heavily East Coast and you almost need an interpreter half the time but I was thoroughly impressed with the writing.  This is a must watch and its on Amazon Prime!

FYI:  Opening weekend for the film only brought in $250k!  It is now well over $47 Million!


1 comment:

  1. One of, if not the best movie of the year. Definitely not a "feel good" movie though. The lady next to me in the theater said "No!" fairly loudly when the credits rolled. Not the ending she was wanting.
