Friday, May 19, 2017


Like prison movies?  I love em!  I know what youre thinking, "they are all the same".  Hardly!  Well, maybe, but that's probably why I like them and want to show them to my kids as a deterrent for never, ever going to prison!  So you basically have a check list to make a successful flick about being in the clink.  Gangs, check.  An evil warden, check.  A bad-ass prisoner who basically runs the joint, check. Rape, check.  The wise old lifer, who has knowledge of every scenario, check.   Lastly, a noble inmate who was wrongfully convicted, check!  Convict is no different featuring an ex military hero who is convicted for defending his girlfriend, you know just like Lock-Up, Felon, Con-Air, etc.  This one is pretty gritty with some disturbing shit that goes on and really keeps you guessing, or maybe hoping for some light to shine.  Really good acting, and a view from a foreign prison that is a bit different than your usual American lock ups.  This is available with Amazon Prime right now and totally worth the watch.  Give it a shot just before you are getting ready to commit a crime, it might help!

FYI:  Parramatta Prison in Australia opened in 1842


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