Wednesday, June 7, 2017


And here we go again, another sci-fi thriller with the most un-explored area of our universe, space!  Lets take a scenario quiz; You find a life form on Mars, bring it upon your ship and begin testing.  What are your options?  Do you, have blatant disregard for protocol and begin to get sloppy with your work?  How about ignore your chain of command and push the limits for your own personal agenda?  Maybe, you fuck with the life form until it turns on you and proves to be an organism much higher on the food chain than you are!  There was some really good and some really bad about this movie, overall I liked it and thought it was entertaining but the more I thought about it, the more I hated how they chopped up a great idea with some really good actors.  Here we have another edition of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!  The Good:  Really cool alien and the movements were very organic and showed lots of character.  The Bad:  Empty characters with some pretty bad writing.  The Ugly:  Definitely not the astronauts who all look like models, but the fact that they were all pretty damn stupid for being the smartest scientist in the world.  BTW, was Gyllenhall's character an MD, a fighter pilot, and a world renowned astronaut and scientist???  Nice resume!  Give this one a shot and just don't take it too seriously, its worth the watch.

FYI:  Ryan Reynolds was initially supposed to play the lead, but had scheduling conflicts.


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