Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hell House LLC

We are back with another found footage film!  You know I love em, and if your tired of this genre, give this one a shot!  So you are thinking of putting on a haunted house production?  Why not choose one of the spookiest locations possible with a history of murder and chaos surrounding the site?  Never mind the lack of research, professionalism of the crew, and money.  Who needs that shit!  Lets just scare some people!  This movie was an awesome hidden Amazon gem that had a surprisingly good take on the found footage shtick.  It had great elements that horror fans usually love such as haunted house, mysterious killer entity, scary clowns, a hot chick, and a cool ending.  There were a few portions of this film that left me a little bit bitter, such as the evil cloaks, the brush off of the main foreman, and the fact that they were sleeping in the house but otherwise this is a must see.  Don't be confused with the multiple other movies titles, Hell House, this one has LLC after it to make it much more authentic!

FYI:  Filmed in an actual haunted attraction in Pennsylvania.



  1. This one wasn't on my radar, but I do own a copy of "Hell Night" staring Linda Blair! Classic
