Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Cure for Wellness

I were a Medicare Supplement salesman, (which I am), this little well-springs club med would be a place I would definitely set up shop!  You may have to act in the order of 1. sell your soul 2. drink the Kool-Aid (water) and 3. work well with eels.  This movie was hammered by the critics and most people I spoke with had no ambition to even watch it.  Well, they were all wrong.  This was a very strong creative movie that kept you guessing the mystery behind the characters and the story.  It was creepy but in a very stylistic and modern way that had an artsy feel but not too pretentious.  You will find yourself trying to figure things out only to come to a dead end, until the end.  The story (in short with some spoilers) is this.  A young, ambitious business man is sent to this Swiss wellness center to retrieve his former CEO.  Upon arriving and realizing the place is a little off, he is ready to jump ship.  Low and behold, there is a car accident as he is leaving and winds up right back at the center unable to leave until he is "Cured".  He finds himself enthralled into the mystery of its guests, and the creepy Doctor.  There are clues throughout and a really good mesmerizing story and an awesome soundtrack!  Play this game while watching:  Each time you see water, take drinks from your glass. :)

FYI:  $40 million budget, To date gross, $8 million.  Oops!


1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you! My youngest and I loved this one and saw it twice in the theater. Reminded me of the Hammer horror that I grew up on. SPOILERS: a monster movie disquised as a mystery, I loved it!
