Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Girl With All the Gifts

Stupid humans, dont you know when zombies attack, they always win?!  You have what they want, blood, and brains, and flesh and whatever.  Unless its the Walking Dead, most modern day zombie flicks have some pretty bad ass fast moving and vicious monsters who can overtake a city in no time.  This awesome movie was a mix of I Am Legend and World War Z type monsters and they didn't disappoint!  The movie surrounds a group of "second generation" zombies who can suppress their appetite for flesh for a short time.  They can also learn and are put into classrooms in order to make them more efficient for the survival of the human race by being tested.  Essentially the compound they are being kept gets overrun and a small group goes out to try and find refuge bringing along a sole blood thirsty kid zombie.  The movie had excellent flow and was a very well written story.  The young girl who plays the zombie was outstanding and had some great acting chops.  The story wasn't happy and I wasnt quite sure why some of the events happened but was a really good fresh take on the zombie genre.  Give this movie a try, you wont be disappointed.

FYI:  Glen Close's sister is a huge zombie movie fan and was awarded a part as a zombie in the film.



  1. I bought a digital copy of this based on the reviews and haven't watched it yet. Really need to, but I'm pretty sure "It Comes at Night" is on the agenda for tonight!

  2. It is really an under hyped, great movie! It Comes at Night looks excellent!

    1. Still in my que... What is wrong with me?
