Thursday, June 15, 2017

Fist Fight

Remember High School?  I know, it was a looooong time ago, but think back.  What type of battle royale would have happened if two of your teachers got into a fight after school?!  It would have been epic, of course!  I know who I would match up from my high school, some would get thrown in there just because I hated them.  Well this genius idea of a movie pairs Charlie Day and Ice Cube, which is a great duo to begin with.  Day being a weaselly little do-gooder and Cube being the hard, inner-city tough teacher end up finding themselves in a situation with the principal who is in the process of lay offs.  Low and behold, Day sells out Cube and the tension begins for the after school brawl.  This movie was actually great!  It was funny, the idea was hilarious, the characters were perfect for their roles and of course it was completely outlandish!  Its light and exactly what you think, a comedy not looking to win any awards.  Sure, it tries a little too hard at times but go in with no expectations.  Give it a shot, we watched it with our kids which wasn't the best parenting but they laughed a lot!

FYI:  Welcome back Tracy Morgan!


1 comment:

  1. We thought it was okay. Kind of me, but really exactly what we expected so how can we complain? Fairly funny and mindless enough for when you don't have the energy to think too hard.
