Thursday, June 8, 2017


For those of you complaining about the "all white" Oscars last year, I think you drastically overlooked the fact that regardless of color, a good movie is a good movie.  Not only did Moonlight steal the show this year (literally for best picture), it was very much deserving of its award!  I finally got around to watching this last night and was so enthralled into its content that I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen.  It helps that I am overwhelmingly interested in the young, black, bullied, inner-city, confused, underdeveloped, gay man with a crackhead mother and no role model figures.  Not to be too specific or give away any spoilers but that is the story right there.  Outstanding story following the life of a bullied child and his ghetto surroundings in Miami who is confused about the obstacles he faces through life.  Only to find himself getting some sort of inner piece through some very unlikely sources.  There are three sections of this mans life that are focused on starting with his adolescence through his teenage and young adult life.  The acting was excellent, the stylistic cinematography impressive and the way the story unfolds was mesmerizing.  Definitely give this a shot if you haven't already!

FYI:  Thanks to Brad Pitt, this movie got its funding of $1.5 million to get off the ground.


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