Tuesday, July 11, 2017

King Arthur-Legend of the Sword

I bet you didn't know that Arthur was not only a Pugilist, but a master swordsman, an expert pickpocket, oh and by the way, a king.  Yes, this is the same "sword in the stone" story but with a huge stylistic overtone that none other than Guy Richie can bring.  This was true Snatch and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels of fun!  I held off on watching this for some time due to the terrible reviews I was reading, especially one that said, "Worst movie ever made!"   This movie was truly overwhelming and filmed in such an outstanding way that it was nothing short of awesome!  The Guy Richie type flash scenes and stop action movements along with a really cool and interesting back story made this eye popping and keeps you on the edge of your seat.  The acting was quite good, although there were some cardboard parts, I think maybe the writing had a little to do with that.  Tells the story of young Arthur getting sent from his kingdom and robbed of his birthright to be the next king.  He has to build himself back up through the gutters learning how to fight, steal and battle in order to make him a feared slum lord.  Definitely watch this movie, especially if your a fan of Guy Richie films!

FYI:  Hunnam got up to 1,050 push ups in a single day while physically getting ready for the role.


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