Wednesday, July 26, 2017

War for the Planet of the Apes

Hey, Ape!  Get off that horse!  Oh, wait, is that an ape on a horse?  Pretty sure that is what most people said when seeing the filming of this film.  I mean, c'mon, the circus is in dire straights but this is crazy!  Ok, just kidding this was all CGI, and a damn good job of it!  This movie was absolutely amazing!  I have watched the series of Planet of the Apes religiously since I was a kid and the last three were beyond expectations!  Every second of them are good and they only get better.  Ok, ok, I have read the terrible reviews of how they are boring and slow, but if you want to watch an epic and are interested in a type of movie you should love these.  By the way, if you don't like movies that seem unrealistic and have an epic battle scene, maybe you shouldn't watch Planet of the Apes!!!  The character development was great, the cast was awesome (Woody)!  The story just keeps building and you end up rooting for the apes the entire time!  Success in my book!  the only problem I had was rooting against my own species but for a movie, I am good to go!  Watch this damn thing!  Best of the series so far!

FYI:  This is the 5th film Steve Zahn voiced a character in a movie.  Yes, it was Steve Zahn!



  1. Thanks! Glad you liked the movie!

  2. This one is on our list for this weekend.

  3. Saw it last night and really enjoyed it. The new Monkey Future movies are 3 for 3 in my book.
