Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Well, what took you so long?  Seriously, this movie has been out for a while now and you are just now getting to it?!?!  Well, me too, and it was a stretch to even start the damn thing.  I am really glad I did, but first I will preface it with why.  I think that if you are sitting around on a rainy night and you are looking for a chill good story to hear about, this is the one for you.  I myself love true (or supposedly true) stories with a hero and some hard core adversity in the way.  This is it!  First off, Tom Hanks is awesome in jsut abut anything, very few exceptions.  Second, the dude landed a plane in the Hudson as it was crashing and saved the lives of over 200 passengers.  Lastly, what a career!  Really, think about the hours in the air with no incidents and to have a movie made about you is pretty bad ass.  This film has a lot of Flight in it, but enough of a difference to separate Denzelle from Hanks.  Watch this movie as it will keep you interested and on the edge of your seat routing for the good guy the entire time!

FYI:  This is Clint Eastwood's 35th motion picture release as a Director!  Who knew!?


1 comment:

  1. Agree, this is great stuff that we have come to expect from Hanks and Eastwood. Amazing story that deserved the master treatment and got it.
