Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Art of the Steal

Ever heard of this one?  That's ok.  No one has!!!  BUT, it is a hidden gem in my book.  It isn't an Oscar worthy film and doesn't have the Oceans series quality but what it does have is one thing, most movies are missing.  Kurt.  Russel!  He is so damn good and way ahead of his time that he gets overlooked in my opinion.  He carriers this film and you pull for him the entire time!  The movie is a bit of a Oceans rip off but has such a great tale of the tape quality that you cant help but watch.  It is about a heist going bad and the bro has to spend some time in the clink.  Well when he gets out he is in the need for another job, and fast but has a few tricks under his sleeve.  The way this movie plays out is really good and keeps you watching from the first second.  It is free on Amazon right now and if you are trolling through, stop on this one, it will not disappoint.  Now get to watching, and check your wallet!

FYI:  All but Russel, Dillon and Stamp, the entire cast is Canadian!  Ooof!


1 comment:

  1. Don't think I have even heard of this one. Maybe eventually
