Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Attention Americans!  If you want a guide on how to be a traitor, act like a communist, or denounce your patriotism, this is the movie for you.  In a scenario where, lets say you are too weak to make it in the infantry, but you got a big brain and are recruited by the CIA.  You happen to fall upon some secret stuff that, well, you know the CIA does.  Then you manage it for a while but low and behold, you find out that they are watching you as well.  That's when you turn?  Okay, in all reality this movie really makes you feel bad for good ole Eddie.  The poor kid was just trying to be a good service member to his country but being naive, he was in a bit over his head.   The good news is, he now lives in Russia as they gave him save refuge.  So any hacking that may come from Moscow, like for instance the Presidential Election, would never involve someone like him.  JGL plays just about every role with absolute greatness, he has become one of my favorite actors.  The sinister backdrop of this movie makes it very intriguing and it is one that I highly recommend, especially if you were following the story as it happened.  Take a shot at this one, just be sure to turn off all devices connected to the internet.

FYI:  Many of the actual real life people portrayed in this film are in the movie.


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