Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Atomic Blonde

Where were you before the fall of the Berlin Wall?  East, or West?  Oh, you were in America watching it on TV.  Just keep in mind, while you were doing that, there was a super hot blonde spy going back and forth on a very important mission filled with sex, violence, and deceit!  This movie was awesome!  Set in the 80's complete with the coolest 80's songs, clothes, and action.  Basically there are agents, spys, and double agents inter-tangled in a huge web of lies, all the while surrounded by the the political warfare of East and West Germany.  Theron plays the part of a bad ass perfectly and gives John Wick a run for his money.  She is super hot and has some steamy sex scenes with Sofia Boutella that you wont soon forget.  McAvoy is the slimy agent who runs the streets and nails his role as well.  There are some twists and surprises throughout the film but never a boring moment. 

FYI:  McAvoy's casted hand was actually real from an injury while filming Split.


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