Wednesday, December 6, 2017

American Made

First off, who doesnt like Tom Cruise?!?!  Okay, I know like 1000 people who hate him, including my wife.  But honestly, in my book he hasn't made a bad movie.  American Made is no exception to that rule!  So what do you get when you cross a hot shot commercial airline pilot with the Colombian drug cartel, and then throw in the Iran-Contra scandal?  You get this under publicized gem of a movie!  Cruise, who plays Barry Seal, a TWA airline pilot who started off small potatoes by smuggling cigars gets recruited by the CIA to do some of their dirty work by taking off limits pictures of the enemy.  Well that grows to guns, and passengers.  In turn, they ignore the fact that his extra curricular activities while traveling is to run drugs for the cartels for money.  When I say money, I am talking about multi millions.  He has so much money he has to start burying it, laundering it, warehousing it, investing it, you name it.  Being a family man with a hot wife, he falls into the classic pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered situation.  With a little help from being screwed by the CIA of course.  This was a great "True Story" docu-movie that was very interesting.  A tad lower than "Blow" but a good one none the less. 

FYI:  Cruises first R rated film since Tropic Thunder


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