Monday, September 18, 2017


Okay haters, I can assume that anyone who reads my review of this is not going to agree and will likely be mad and call me a phony.  Give me a few minutes to explain myself and try to keep an open mind here because as far as I am concerned, Mother! was one of the better movies I have seen.  I will start off by saying this was the most bizarre, over the top, roller coaster of a movie that I have ever seen.  I found myself saying, "what the fuck is going on" in the middle of the film.  My take is the complete metaphoric telling was a glimpse of our society and the narcissistic views we cling to today.  It is said many times in the film that "it's never enough" for a reason.  Humans need for possessions, love, acceptance, to legitimize their own existence is pared with craze and worship of emotions from people that have no direct impact on your life other than your self worth.  None of the characters have names in this movie and I am certain that the metaphor for Bardem's character "Him" is God, the guests are Adam and Eve, their sons Cain and Abel and Lawrence as Mother Nature.  At one point the voice of reason shows up and realizes he can never win over the emotional state of the characters so he gives up and leaves.  That is when the shit really hits the fan.  The movie which starts off as a slow burn becomes an explosion for your senses putting unbelievable scenarios together creating a roller coaster of a movie!  Whew!  Was that pretentious enough for you?  Well it should be!  My guess is that most who watch this movie will absolutely hate it and have no understanding of its undertones, but if you go in with an open mind and let its creative levels sink in, you may just like it.

FYI:  The script was written by Aronofsky in 5 days.


1 comment:

  1. You are not alone Mark, I loved it too! Totally over the top and awesome!
