Wednesday, September 20, 2017


And another movie titled, "Honeymoon", only the second I have reviewed but one of many.  Not that it wasnt original, well, it wasn't but had some unique aspects that made me sit interested wanting to continue to watch.  This is one that I have decided to bring out the "Wretched Scale" on.  First, there are a few scenes that were truly gag worthy, it was done well enough for you to feel a bit sick and really, really hate the villain!  Second, the true sick and twisted nature of the main character is disturbing and wretched enough for you to sneer up your nose in disgust.  So lets get into the meat of this fun little tale.  A Foreign film made in Mexico about a beautiful young woman who is stalked, and captured by her weirdo neighbor.  He decides to chain her up in his basement and punish her until she succumbs to becoming his woman.  When she doesn't obey, he has some truly terrifying torture techniques, (try saying that 5 times fast).  There is a bit of a twist toward the end, and then another twist on top of that, the latter being a bit dumb, but good for the movie.  I would say give this one a watch, its streaming on Netflix now and may just fill your appetite for a low budget horror film.

FYI:  The main character choose to remain tied up between takes for her to maintain her suffering character.


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