Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Message From the King

COngratulations Netflix, you just keep churning out the hits!  I guess when you give you writers and directors complete freedom to express themselves from their own creative mind you get a plethora of greatness (take note Hollywood).   This little gem surprised me from the beginning!  I was ready for another slow burn of a search for a missing person movie and got a whole lot more.  First off, Boseman is a complete bad ass in it, he comes in like a silent storm and gets his answers!  He partners up with an unlikely ally living in a run down hotel.  She is basically the better looking and better acting version of Kristen Stewart.  Then enter about 20 other actors that are pretty well known and do a damn good job.  So the skinny is that Boseman comes to LA from South Africa to find his missing sister.  What he does is strategically look for clues to get a good idea of how she has been living and is not happy!  It all explodes from there and the shit hits the fan!  Great movie, good acting and good plot.  Give this a shot on Netflix now.

FYI:  Twists, deceit, and beatings made this a movie that gets a good ole fashion Grind-House praise!


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