Monday, September 25, 2017

A Gang Story

Well, whats to say about this film streaming on Netflix right now that hasn't already been said?  Oh, wait, everything?  That's likely because no one has ever heard of this movie, or the true events it is supposedly based on.  You may also watch it and say, huh, I have seen this movie before but I cant place when.  I will let you in on a little secret, it was the last time you watched any gangster story ever!  Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad by any means, it actually kept me very interested the entire time, but just didn't quite have the spark it needed to be great and original.  Maybe they were trying to stick a little to close to the actual happenings, but I definitely would have "Holly-wooded" it up for a true great foreign film.  The acting was really good and the main character played by Lanvin was stone cold and awesome.  Don't let me pass over the ever and always creepy Tcheky Karyo who has been spooking me out since the 80's.  Good film about a gang of loyal friends who make it big in the underworld only to be double crossed.  There are a few really bad ass revenge scenes and a cool premise but it was just missing something???  Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

FYI:  Good soundtrack featuring Janis Joplin, Deep Purple, and The Animals.


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