Monday, September 18, 2017


Well, we all know the story of the creepy clown from Stephen King's insane mind.  remember being in Jr High and watching it on TV for 2-3 nights?  Even that was an interesting take apart from the bad acting, terrible cast and made for TV feel.  Well it doesn't even hold a candle to this new remake, and was was it good.  I will agree with my neighbor that it might possibly be the best re make of all time!  This version had a number of scenes that were very close to the original but with flare, style and a budget.  They nailed the 80's feel of the movie with casting, scenes, and the actions of the main kids.  It was actually so well done that it makes you think, why the hell cant all remakes be this easy to reproduce that well.  And now for the main component and what you have all been waiting for, the Pennywise review.  Creepier, scarier, more slobbery, and absolutely genius!  I do have a love for Tim Curry in the original but Skarsgard rocked it!  There was some great comic relief, especially with the kid from Stranger Things who stole every scene he was in.  The flow of the movie and the extra added scares were awesome (crooked lady from the painting).  This is a must see, even if you werent a fan of the original, this movie was so well made that it will have you wanting more, which is probably why it is set up perfectly for a sequel.

FYI:  Bill Skarsgard admitted that he was so into his character while filming that he had constant nightmares during production.


1 comment:

  1. I agree, this is up there as one of if not the best remake ever. Can't wait to see it again.
