Monday, April 3, 2017

Office Christmas Party

I would work at a failing company if they threw an office party like this!  Shit tons of booze, drugs, sex, violence, you know like at the Hobby Lobby corporate parties.  Unfortunately I had extreme high hopes for this one, especially with the all star cast.  It was pretty much a total dud.  The idea was great, and was open to a "Hangover" type of greatness.  Instead it was a film where I literally found myself trying to laugh.  I was constantly waiting for the big laugh payoff, or the awesome moment where things got crazy unique and fun.  Well, needless to say, it didn't happen.  I love Bateman who was underused.  TJ Miller is awesome but came off as bored.  Aniston, who is so incredibly hot, was probably the best part of the movie.  Kate McKinnon, who had all the right tools for the nerdy HR lady just kind of fizzled.  Overall, it was just a hodge podge of could be funny ideas written and executed all wrong.  I would say if you want some mindless film watching go ahead, but I would probably skip this one.

FYI:  All of the props and furniture in this movie were donated to an Atlanta furniture type goodwill.


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