Monday, April 3, 2017

Here Alone

We have all had the conversation of, "what would you do when the zombie apocalypse comes?"  I know the exact spot I would go, what I would bring, and what my escape plan would be.  Well, unfortunately for this lonely woods dwelling woman, a couple of drifters come and screw it all up for her.  She had the routine, the rations, the perfect set up and was careful and smart about her existence.  Just like every zombie movie, its the humans that screw things up.  This is a great take on the whole close to being played out zombie movement.  The dead are more like the World War Z and 28 days type of zombies.  Fast, strong, and hungry for blood.  It basically starts as a virus and infects most of the population.  The story revolves around a 30's something woman who is just surviving day to day with the burden of her family being dead from the disease.  She stumbles upon some drifters and helps them along coming to a crossroads of what to do next.  Good suspense, jsut enough zombie action and a bit of a twist.  I would highly recommend this, be prepared for a slower drama, not an action packed flick but well worth the watch.

FYI:  Many of the wounds in this movie were real.


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