Wednesday, March 22, 2017


"Old man look in my eyes, I'm a lot like you were."  That song rang through my head most of this movie, and thought it would have been fitting to have it play at some point during the 2 1/2 hour epic!  Nope, didn't have much to offer at all other than an old ass super hero trying to stay hidden from the world and drive people around as a cabbie.  Oh, thanks Marvel, for conforming to the all too familiar film set up by throwing a kid as the main actor and focal point.  That should bring them in so you can cash your corporate paycheck!!!  Just kidding, that was all complete bullshit.  This was the best superhero movie yet!  The only exception would be The Dark Knight, but this was completely awesome!  There were a lot of "didn't see that coming" moments and the story was outstanding.  I loved that it was a future world where Mutants were pretty much all in hiding or extinct.  This movie was very much catered to the more mature comic movie fan with some language and gore but all I could say after was WOW!  Basically it was a story based on new hope for the mutant generations to come with a new breed being able to stand for what is right.  I would highly, highly recommend this movie to anyone who likes action, comic book movies, and Wolverine!

FYI:  This Marvel movie does not feature a Stan Lee cameo.  ;(


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