Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hidden Figures

Dont you just love movies that remind you how insignificant and stupid you are to this world?  If so, then throw in overcoming adversity, racism and inequality at a time where all of this was extremely acceptable.  And here we are complaining about having to serve an extra side of ranch to a rude patron!  Well here we have the incredible true story of three black women in the 60's where racism and sexism was still a very common practice in the workplace.  On top of that they worked for NASA, which was an extremely male dominated world at a high pressure point in history racing the damn Russians into space.  These three pioneers worked in the low levels of the buildings doing human computing and back up engineering until each of them took a risk, made a stand, and overcame just about every thing thrown in their way.  Very inspiring movie, although a little bit typical where the underdog has to jump through more hoops than the average worker but overall great movie.  Highly recommended unless your a racist douche, then go back to watching the Benny Hill Show.

FYI:  Real Life Katherine Johnson asked the question when approached about making this movie, "Why would anyone want to make a movie about my life?"


1 comment:

  1. We saw this one waaaaay back last year some time at a really early advanced press screening and knew that it was going to be a best picture nom. Great flick with a lot of rewatchability!
