Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Edge of Seventeen

Ahhh, teenage angst.  Do you love it?  There is just something about an almost witty, somewhat smart-ass comment from the narcissistic views of a know it all teen.  If you have a teenager, especially teenage girl, sit them down and watch this with them, it is hilarious!  I watched it with my 14 year old, and even though there are a few uncomfortable moments it is awesome!  The movie is based around Nadine, a 17 year old who is a bit awkward, kind of an introvert, and has one single friend in her horrible high school life.  That same friend just so happens to hook up with Nadine's super popular, good looking brother and it all goes down hill from there.  The best part of the movie, other than the real situations and true feel of it, is the relaxed teacher with an almost dont care attitude played by Woody Harrelson.  He seriously steals the show, and locks down the chemistry he has with the other actors.  This is a great movie that will not only help your teenager see how ridiculous they are most of the time, but also as a parent help to remember how life really did suck at times when your comparison factor was extremely minimal.  Give it a shot!

FYI:  Erwin who plays Nadines somewhat interest is 10 years older than her in real life.


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