Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Kong: Skull Island

Poor misunderstood monkey.  He just wants to be left alone on the most dangerous island of all time.  You know the place, basically where nightmares come from.  Well amidst the giant acid spitting spiders, the flesh eating insects, the bone crushing lizard things that live underground there is a cute cuddly 140 ft tall gorilla.  And he hates people messing with his shit!  This is by far the best Kong movie yet!  It was awesome in every sense of the word with a really cool premise that strayed a little from the originals.  There were a lot of Easter Eggs in this film, many of which were obvious but funny.  Quite a few undertones of Apocalypse Now, Jurassic Park, and Monster Island.  John C. Riley had some awesome lines in his typical idiotic fashion that was much needed in terms of some witty smart comedy.  Jackson played the ruthless war hero well with some good lines such as "hold on to your butts!"  Brie Larson has never really done anything for me until this movie.  Super hot with lots of slow motion, windy hair scenes.  We also have a reunion of Dr. Dre and Easy E!  I have to say though, the best part of this movie was the soundtrack.  It consisted of all 70's Vietnam War songs and were placed perfectly.  Definitely go see this movie!

FYI:  John C. Riley's character was supposed to go to Michael Keaton


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