Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sausage Party

Well, how many times do you think you can use the word "F**K" in the first 20 minutes of a movie?  If you think its less than about 500 you would be wrong!  Now picture those vulgarities coming out of cartoon food.  There you have it, Sausage Party.  Rude, crude, over the top, disgusting, inappropriate, ridiculous, and I loved every second of it!  The story is from the point of view of food at a grocery store who all think that once you are "chosen" by the humans (Gods) you go to this euphoric fantasy land like heaven.  Well, one product gets returned and gives an unsuspecting hot dog the real news of what happens outside of the store, murder!  His goal is to find the truth and educate the others but no one will listen because their faith in what has been passed down.  The movie is really funny and extremely smart with types of food depicting the characteristics of their origin.  There are so many great voices and lines that unless you are in a really bad mood, you will laugh a lot.  Terrible for anyone under the age of 18, and not good to watch with your kids, but a fun throwaway to watch with your significant other, and who knows, if you are into some kinky stuff, this might actually turn you on!

FYI:  The preview for this accidentally played before Finding Dory in a California theater, oops!


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