Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Revenant

When are the savages going to quit playing the, "Boo-Hoo, you stole my land" card?  Seriously, maybe if you were better at protecting the things you love and stop expecting the spirit world to "guide" you through life, things might have turned out a little different.  Okay, so you gave us fire-water, and casinos.  As if that is a positive contribution!  I am kidding!  Don't be so P.C.  This is a true story based on a white man who co-habitats with an Indian tribe, only to have his wife killed by invaders.  All he has left is his son who he has with him while working with a group of hunters.  As luck will have it, he ends up getting mauled by a bear, left for dead by his team, has his son brutally taken from him by one of his team members, and crawls 200 miles to civilization.  All the while fighting off renegades, Apache, and the tortures of winter on a mountain.  Once he is able to heel a little, he sets out on his revenge against Hardy.  This movie was intense, crazy, and Awesome!!!!  DiCaprio, and Hardy are amazing and deserve Oscars for this.  All I can say is, WOW!  If you decide to watch this, which I highly recommend.  Be sure to bundle up because it will make you cold just watching it.  It is an incredible story that should be seen by all.

FYI:  Leo ate a real raw buffalo liver in this production!


Steve Jobs

How many is that now, 3? 4, movies about Steve Jobs that are complete fails?  I don't get it.  One of the most compelling figures of our time and no one can make a good movie about him.  There is even a good movie about a used car salesman who did nothing!  Here is my breakdown of the good, the bad and the ugly with this film.  The Good:  Fassbender is one hell of a good actor!  He controls every scene and plays the part well.  Also, the writing, (although completely false) was good.  The Bad:  This movie takes twenty years of the life of a genius and puts it into a three scene movie.  Not to mention they completely skipped over his younger years, his greatest inventions, and his life.  The Ugly:  Unfortunately, Kutcher had a much better and more believable look for Jobs than Fassbender.  This movie was completely fabricated and made Jobs out to be the largest dickhead in America.  There were discussions between him and a number of his famously estranged partners that either never really happened or were just wrong.  You can spend 2 hours watching the behind the scenes of his three computer system launches, and be disappointed.  Or, spend 2 hours watching "Jobs" and learn more of the accurate history, and be disappointed.  Hollywood, its time to get the next one right.

FYI:  Fassbender memorized the entire 190 page script!


The Theory of Everything

Finally got around to watching this one.  Oh, you remember, the underrated story based on that super smart guy in a wheel chair.  Well la-dee-frickin-da, look at me.  I'm a nerdy, clutz with a brain so big I can solve the space-time continuum using the theory of a reverse black hole.  Who cant?  Okay, so this dude is pretty amazing, and by amazing, I mean holy crap!  This was an outstanding movie that really delved into the depths of a horrible struggle for someone who has the science world at his fingertips.  Stephen Hawking has to be proud of the work from Eddie Redmayne, because it was absolutely amazing.  This movie showed the extremely sad life of Hawking and how the disease progressed throughout the years completely incapacitating him.  He prevailed and still maintained one of the greatest science minds of our time.  I was surprised by all of the hate reviews about this movie, but I think most of them were from Bible beaters who were offended by praising a man who was an Atheist.  The hardest part of watching this is thinking of Jonah Hill's line from "Knocked Up", "People think I'm smart because I talk like a computer".  This is running on HBO I think right now so give it a shot.  Definitely worth it!

FYI:  Hawking reportedly said that he felt like he was watching himself at times in this movie.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Goodnight Mommy

Ready for one of the creepiest movies of the year?  Tired of your Mom?  Well lets just put them both together and make an amazing film!  Not kidding, this was a creepy and intense movie.  The only problem is I cant say much about it without giving away some of the twists and turns that happen.  I will start off with this explanation:  Two young boys anxiously await the return of their mother from having some extensive facial surgery done.  When she returns home nothing is as it seems and all of their lives take significant, unexpected turns.  There is a thriller/mystery feel to this movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat and your heart racing the entire time thinking, "what will happen next?"  The acting was great, setting great, story great, the only problem I had with this was I predicted a few things which ruined it for me.  Maybe I should stop watching so many movies.  This ranks up there for one of the best thrillers of the year along with, "It Follows" and "Ex-Machina".  I would suggest this to anyone who likes movies and in for a good creep out.  I loved every minute of it and even though I have some of my own theory's about what really happened at the end and throughout I would love to hear more.  Watch immediately!

FYI:  The original Austrian title is translated to "I See, I See".



Mmmmmm, warm stale beer, the smell of mold and urine, the occasional pile of dog poop, and extremely rude clientele listening to punk rock!  Sounds like a date night to me!  If you like Country, Bluegrass and Blues, then you will love this bar.  Here we have a great story of the legendary CBGB club/bar/music venue in New York.  The infamous Hilly Krystal who was a failing father, husband, club owner, and all around looser decides to go all in, again and open a club.  This time he decides that he will center it around live music but only from bands who play original songs only!  Apart from his big heart getting the way most of the time he accidentally creates a musical movement that explodes the scene and lifts breakthrough bands to their stardom.  This movie was awesome!  It helped me remember so many bands that I had forgotten about getting their start at this run down club like Blondie, The Police, Iggy Pop, The Ramones, The Dead Boys, Talking Heads, Patti Smith, the list goes on!  Crazy to think that all of these iconic musical acts all started in the same place.  The best quote of the movie is Hilly being interviewed saying, "Look, these kids have something to say, and I think we should listen."  Definite watch on Netflix!

FYI:  Hilly was recognized by the Talking Heads during their acceptance into the Hall of Fame.


Black Mass

Hey, did you know that this movie is about Whitey Bulger?  The same as Jack Nicholson's character in The Departed!  Yes, know it all.  We all know that already and stop acting like your smarter than everyone else.  Unfortunately for Black Mass, it wasn't The Departed, or Goodfellas, or Donnie Brasco.  This famous gangster has had more movies made about him than Robin Hood.  What better way to further the celebration of a serial killing psychopath than cast Depp, along with an all star cast that all did an amazing job.  Basically the short of the story is Bulger teams up with his FBI childhood friend and becomes an informant to take down the Italian Mafia.  All the while, Bulger is killing, robbing, beating, and selling his way to the top of the crime ladder.  This story stuck pretty true to what I have read but didn't really hit the great meter with me.  It was good, and Depp did an outstanding job as the freaky eyed, balding, dead toothed lunatic  This is big for me to say because I am not a Depp fan, but other than that it just fell short.

FYI:  Some of Bulgers former associates were consultants on the film and said, "Yep, that's him!"


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


"Wild", also known as, "The longest walk of shame ever!"  Of all the long walk or hiking movies this one gives the old trail of tears a run for its money.  Boo-hoo, poor me.  I'm a little slut who constantly cheats on her husband and turns into a junkie because my white trash, enabling mommy died.  Get over it and make something of yourself!  Wow, okay sorry, that was a little harsh.  In all actuality, this movie was really good, especially if you like Reese Witherspoons boobies!  This had great scenery and excellent metaphors that really touched the purpose of the movie.  Plus, where can I get my hands on a copy of Hobo Times?  Basically, a young woman decides to find herself after destroying her marriage and experiencing the death of her mother.  She hikes nearly 1000 miles on her own up the Pacific Crest Trail.  Here she falls deep into her own hatred, fears and regrets only to pull herself out stronger by achieving a remarkable goal.  There are great stories to be told along the way with the excellent characters in the story-line.  I would highly recommend watching this movie and in case you missed it, there are a number of scenes with Witherspoons boobies!

FYI:  Watch for the lead singer of Everclear as a tattoo artist in this one!



What do you get when you cross the movies, "Speed", "John Q", and a poor mans "Oceans 11", then throw a title on it that has been used about a billion times.  THEN, take a bunch of known actors and try really hard?  Give up yet?  It's an easy one.  Heist!!!  Good job, you nailed it!  Unfortunately the writers of this piece of garbage didn't!  This was pretty thrown together and about as predictable and unoriginal as it gets.  Even the "zinger" at the end was called by the first 15 minutes of the movie.  Here is the skinny; big time, multi-millionaire casino owner (riverboat) is into some money laundering.  Good-hearted, down on his luck worker with a sketchy past needs money for his dying daughter.  Que the robbery, an estranged relationship with casino owners daughter, a cop with an intuition for "nice" criminals (who is a terrible actor by the way), and a crooked detective.  There, you're welcome, now you don't have to watch the movie.  Now don't get me wrong, I didn't shut it off or anything, but you will definitely see this on TBS three times a weekend very soon!

FYI:  At least two of the actors in this movie have made money in the ring.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

99 Homes

Want to watch a movie that will scare the shit out of you?  Here it is, and not in the sense of horror, or thriller, this is how life can change on a dime and turn your entire world upside down!  The realistic situations in this movie and who it affects is terrifying and really gives you a chill wondering what you would do in that situation.  So the movie is based during the hosing market burst, when working (or formerly working) middle class suburbanites are being evicted from their homes due to bank foreclosures.  When Garfield's character gets the boot from Shannon, who works for the banks he starts to spiral out of control.  He then ends up working for Shannon as a repair guy and quickly climbs the ladder to actually doing the evicting himself.  This really goes deep into the heat breaking, emotional side of families being ripped from their security and sent out on the streets.  The simple logic behind the bank is frightening but goes head to head with the declining moral compass of Americas society and the obsession with greed.  I loved this movie and thought it was extremely underrated.  Find it, and watch it now!  Then get a budget contributing 30% of your paycheck into savings!

FYI:  Based on a true story of a man who exposes a fraudulent realtor.



Yo, Adrian, wait no, dead.  Yo, Paulie, wait, again, dead.  Yo, Mick, nope, still dead.  Yo, Apollo, uhhhh...  Wait!  Yo, Donnie!  Here we go like a bullet out of a gun!  Being the biggest Rocky fan I know, and possibly the entire world, how was I not the first in line on opening day of this flick?!  Well, its because I have kids, and a job, and busy with real life but damn, what a movie!  I will be honest, I was a little skeptical hearing what was going on here with Rocky returning but kept optimistic and was extremely impressed.  Yes, there were the haters saying stupid shit like, its not realistic.  Shut up, its a MOVIE!  So Jordan is the illegitimate son of the world famous Apollo Creed who shows up on the scene as a true natural talent.  He begins his career under his mothers last name as to try and make a name for himself out of his fathers shadows but it soon surfaces that he is a Creed.  From here, he is in the spotlight and under the training of the other world famous Rocky.  The acting was great, I loved the story, and the boxing scenes were awesome.  Jordan is one hell of an actor and went through a huge body transformation to look the part.  He pulled off a young Carl Weathers really well.  If your a fan of Rocky, or Boxing, I would definitely suggest seeing this movie.

FYI:  This is the first of the Rocky franchise that Stallone didn't write.


I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance is Mine

Now that's a lot of spit!  I mean, considering the original, then the remake with two sequels, all together comprising of about 20 rape scenes.  I would say its the perfect date movie!  Well, here we go again for the third installment of the modern day rape/revenge movie.  Regardless of it being about the worst subject possible (rape, of course) it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  The acting was actually ok, the main chick is hot, and the story telling was pretty good as it intertwined with the first movie.  The situations were pretty dumb and obviously you will find yourself saying, "what the fuck are you doing"?  This is definitely a low budget thriller that the director tried to make his last attempt to cash in on a known franchise.  Oh, the story?  Well the poor unfortunate young woman who was brutally raped and traumatized only to take revenge on her attackers is back!  This time she is taking justice in her own hands and helping those victims she has gotten to know.  She takes pleasure in her extreme measures and brings new meaning to the term, "pipe in the ass", oh wait, thats not a saying?

FYI:  The main detective in this movie has the worst hair ever!


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tales of Halloween

A little late on this one due to the fact its Thanksgiving, but I am a Halloween nut so with a title like this I had to give it a watch!  Well for starters this is a definite throw away!  The premise is 10 stories of Halloween with different directors and "B" list actors that intertwine somewhat.  Well that should be the making of a great movie, but alas, many have tried and failed (A,B,Cs of Death part 1 & 2, Tales from the Darkside).  Many have succeeded with honors (Creepshow, V.H.S).  This was cheap and boring with a rotating script that by the 4th tale, I felt like I was watching the same thing over and over again.  I likes some of the laughable parts and the movie references that not many would get but the majority of it was just cheesy and goof-ball.  I have yet to see a movie like this made with good consistent scary tales all the way through.  This is a good one to watch with some friends and alcohol in October, otherwise pass.

FYI:  Narrated by Adrienne Barbeau, the queen of cheese horror flicks!


Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Stanford Prison Experiment

"Touch me again and I will kick your ass"!  That sentence went through my mind about a million times while watching this awesome movie.  If you haven't ever heard of The Stanford Prison Experiment, it is based on true events of Stanford University in the 70's.  Basically a Psyc professor decides he is going to conduct an experiment with willing college students on the effects of captivity and power have over the human mind.  What better way to do it than simulate a prison.  Strip away all power and freedoms from one group, and give all to the other.  Well as you can imagine, this didn't go all that well and the human mind is like a fat kid in a chocolate factory.  It runs wild!  The actual experiment was terminated after only 7 days and had some permanent effects on those who participated.  There have been a few other movies based on this called Das Experiment, and The Experiment (American Re Make).  Both are better only because they are dramatically exaggerated with a touch of Hollywood flair.  This film was a bit more realistic which was great, but should have come out first.  The only down side I had to this was I couldn't stop picturing three of the main characters from their Disney days.  All in all, great movie and should be seen by everyone, if anything to give you a taste of history.

FYI:  There are rumors that a lot of torture happened in the actual experiment, but no one has fessed up!



Brrrrr, its cold up there but, everyone needs a hobby.  Right?  Some people paint, some collect stamps, others pay thousands of dollars to literally freeze and risk their lives climbing a mountain that has no predictable weather patterns.  Oh, did I mention this particular mountain is Mt. Everest?  You know, the mountain only a handful of people have ever climbed!  This movie was intense!  I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.  I loved the fact that it is based on John Krakeuer's book and that he had a good role in the movie.  Of course, the book is better (hipsters stand and applaud).  There was a great atmosphere about the characters of the movie who were a bunch of cocky assholes with no fear thinking they would climb this impossible rock.  I am so dumb that I found myself saying, damn I would like to do that someday!  Please talk me out of it if I ever think I will, because other than reaching a peak not many have in the world, you still have to get down and the fun is over at that point!  This is a must watch in my option, I just wish I would have seen it in the theater.

FYI:  There are a number of bodies that have never been recovered from the mountain.  Haunted!


The Gift

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Surprise who?
Surprise, its me, the kid from high school that you tormented, tortured, degraded, and bullied.  Now I am here to return the favor and make your life a living hell.  But, don't worry, I will be very subtle about it.  As a matter of fact half the time you wont even know.  This was a pretty good movie, with a great nail biting twist and some dark secrets that pop up when your not expecting them.  Jason Bateman plays a really good asshole, but I found myself disappointed because I like him so much as the witty, fun guy.  Edgerton is creepy as you can imagine being the scorned outcast from the past.  The story line isn't new, it kind of reminds me of the old obsession type movies like Fatal Attraction, and The Crush.  This one had some great unexpected scenes that really helped the story and kept you on your toes.  Even the end gives you a chill without revealing too much.  There were a few parts that you find yourself saying, "just do this", or "just do that", but don't they all.  It was a little slow in some parts but overall I really liked it.  Give this one a shot and start calling the kids you tortured in high school.  Man I'm sure glad I called that guy!

FYI:  Edgerton wrote, directed and starred in this film.  He filmed his own scenes in 7 days.


Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Demension

"Mom, I have an imaginary friend who is a middle aged man and he only shows up when no one is around".  "That's nice dear".  If you think this conversation sounds a little peculiar, who the hell do you think you are judging the parenting of others!?!?  Okay, I am also on board with this one.  Let me start off by saying I love the PA franchise!  As a matter of fact, I would put the first on in my all time best scares.  So of course, each movie that comes out I get excited with high expectations only to be let down.  I think they should have stopped after 3, but the 4th wasn't all that bad.  This one on the other hand, although creepy, used too many stupid CGI tricks that made it seem goofy.  I like the acting and the story, but the whole "other dimension" was a bit of a stretch.  Oh, spoiler alert, you finally get to see Toby!!! (from the ankles down).  Basically this was a possession story of finally bringing Toby to the real world.  This guy must be the life of the party.  If I had that many people over 5 movies do everything they could, including murder in order to have me around I would be one happy son of a biscuit.  Check it out, just don't spend too much money on it.  Also, if your not a PA fan, dont bother.

FYI:  There are a number of goofs in this movie when referencing the last 4, sloppy!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Knock Knock

Feminists of the world unite!  Here is a deep seeded movie to show you all about the cold hearted, dogs men really are.  What are you to do husband?  Your home alone for the weekend when a knock at your door presents you with two sexy soaking wet women who need to use your phone.  Well, as a good citizen, you let them in to call Uber, dry their clothes, and bang your brains out.  Oh but the tables turn when you find out, they just aren't interested in leaving.  As a matter of fact, they are complete psychos who want to ruin your life.  Sounds like marriage!  Well there are two sides to this movie.  First off, Keanu Reeves is by far the worst actor of all time!  The script was pretty cheesy but man, you think this guy would have his acting chops down by now.  The story is your typical little head thinking for the big head and getting you in trouble.  I loved every minute of it.  It was kind of a "Funny Games" meets "The Crush".  It was sexy, frightening, and keeps you on the edge of your seat.  I highly recommend this movie, maybe even as a guide of what not to do when a crazy situation becomes available.

FYI:  This is yet another Hollywood remake.  The original is called "Death Game"


Crimson Peak

To my surprise, this movie received amazing reviews from viewers.  I on the other hand thought this movie was a big piece of crap!  First off I am not a big fan of period piece horror films, but was intrigued by this one for a few reasons.  Del Toro, the director is usually on his game.  This film he was not.  If you are over the age of 70, like slow, boring dialogue films with the promise of it being a horror film, then this is one for you!  Dont worry about being too scared to watch, there is nothing frightening about it.  The "ghost" shows up for a fraction of the movie, the acting was stale and over dramatic, and just because Lokie is a favorite with the ladies does not make him the glue for this flick.  I actually left the theater a few times and walked around the lobby because I was so bored.  Leave this one to the Redbox, dont waste your money.  Carry on.

FYI:  The entire house had to be demolished after filming to make room in the studio.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Green Inferno

Welcome to the jungle hipster, douche bag college kids who think they are fighting a good cause.  Get over yourself, this isn't the 70's.  Haven't you figured it out that money rules the world?  Well just take a look at the poster above.  Who wouldn't want to see this creepy dude on screen?!  After anticipating the greatness of this movie for over a year, I finally went to the theater with my 13 year old daughter.  Best idea?  Maybe not, but I am in the running for Dad of the year!  If you don't know by now this is a lost Amazonian cannibal trip movie that gets to dine on some over privileged college kids.  I loved every minute of it!  I have always been a fan of "Cannibal Holocaust" and this didn't quite compare, but it was pretty damn good.  Basically you have the gorilla group of kids who want to save the rain forest by chaining themselves to some trees in the jungle.  Low and behold they find them selves in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Classic story, of being eaten alive.  There were some really good gory scenes of slaughter and some gross scenarios that may haunt you for a bit, all in true Eli Roth form.  You really get sucked in thinking what would you do in this situation, and as always find some way to get away.  I myself kept thinking, with that body paint on all the time, don't these natives ever get zits??  Check this out if your a fan of the horror genre, it wont disappoint.  Just be careful the next time you decide to save the earth, someone might not want you in their kitchen!

FYI:  The tribe members in this film were the real deal and had never been filmed before or seen a movie.


The Visit

Ahhh, the Grandparents house!  The comforting smell of fresh baked cookies, the warm blankets by the fire, and the musky air filled with the stench of rotting corpses in the basement.  It makes those weeks you spend with them go by fast!  Here we have the latest flick from Shyamalan, who in my opinion always makes a great movie with a cool twist.  I agree, some of the acting in his films have been rather suspect, but looking past that we always have hours of suspenseful enjoyment.  This one takes place following two children who go to visit and meet their Grandparents for the first time.  Their mom who is estranged from the grandparents is finally giving them the opportunity to spend a week with them upon their request.  Soon after the kids arrival they begin to sense something odd about them and keep referring back to the fact they are old and are destined to be quirky.  As the days go on, they discover more and more about these people that is really off!  I don't want to give too much away but you start to feel the tension and find yourself yelling at the screen to just get out!  Don't listen to the terrible reviews of those expecting another "6th Sense", its just not going to happen people.  Check it out for your self and embrace the actual story.  I liked it, even with the obvious holes and the somewhat predictable twist.  Now call your parents!

FYI:  This will give you a new found respect for dirty diapers.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Brass Teapot

Have you ever said something like, "If I had a dollar for every time I stubbed my toe...?"  How about the classic old game of, "what would you do for a million dollars?"  Now just think if those things could really come true!  Seriously, how far would you go?  Well in this hidden Netflix gem, a down on their luck 20's something married couple fall upon a magical teapot that gives you money every time you get hurt.  Of course this couple does what any red blooded american would do, they bring the pain!  Their goal is to get to a million bucks all the while, becoming a little obsessed.  Meanwhile those who find out about it try to steal the pot and obsession sets in.  Things start to change and they discover the payout for pain isn't as hearty as it used to be so they have to get creative and find new ways to earn the cash.  With a twist of the origin of the pot this movie came out to be a great new take on the Monkeys Paw story.  Good cast with some fun cameos and decent acting.  I would have liked to see more of a backstory on the pot and the money making but all in all very enjoyable film.  

FYI:  This $900k film made a whopping $4k opening weekend.  On two screens.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Contracted / Contracted Phase 2

A 2 movie bonus post!  Contracted 1 & 2 gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "one night stand."  I am pretty sure they should show these at every Jr. High Sex Education course as the best deterrent for unprotected sex.  I decided to combine these movies because they are just plain nasty!  The basic premise is a sexually transmitted disease which begins to turn you into piece of rotting flesh complete with worms and maggots festering inside of you, constant excretion of blood from every orifice, and ending in the desire to eat flesh.  Well to make things worse, it mutates and becomes contagious just from the touch.  It seems some asshole who thinks the human race is a virus that needs to be eliminated is deliberately spreading this disease.  When I said these movies are nasty, that was an understatement.  The flesh eating bacteria and body mutations are so disgusting you almost dry heave while watching.  Most of the acting is just okay, but when they are in pain or getting sick, they nailed the part where the audience is supposed to cringe.  Overall I liked both movies, it was a different take on the whole "Zombie" type of morphing.  If you plan on watching these, make sure you are eating potato soup and chips during the sick scenes, you will love it!

FYI:  During pre production there was an actual virus going around on set.  3 people were seriously hospitalized.


Vacation 2015

Family vacations just aren't what they used to be.  Now its all more expensive, not as much fun as you thought, a constant search for the i-Pad charger, sibling fights, and never enough booze!  Well head to the movies because the old family truckster is at it again, only this time it's Rusty at the wheel!  Before going into this movie you have to ask yourself, did you like the original, or are you obsessed with the original?  I only say this due to the enormous amount of terrible reviews I have read and completely disagree.  I really loved the original and think this fits the bill.  First off the casting is great!  Ed Helms plays a great adult son of Clark W. Griswald and even gives a freak out performance like the original.  There were some great typical 'Vacation" type scenarios throughout the movie that made it a raunchy, fun comedy.  I mean really, it wasn't the Departed.  Applegate, Hemsworth, Mann, Day, Livingston, Reedus, Key, all perfect cameos.  Once again the Griswald's take a trip across country to beloved, Wally World so Helms can take his family on the vacation of their/his dreams.  Along the way they visit family and friends and have the same great misadventures.  I was extremely disappointed in Chevy's part, he really has lost his good ole acting chops and gained about 100 lbs.  I would highly recommend and think it was exactly what I expected.  There is even a cameo of the original family truckster!

FYI:  This is the 6 actor to play Rusty Giswald


Monday, September 14, 2015


The next time you are in a hipster, college area with an open mic and stage for amateurs, keep in mind you may be witnessing the beginning of greatness.  So sit back with your woody finish micro brew served in a bird feeder and check out this masterpiece.  If you cant tell already I loved this movie.  Most of the people I have talked to really didn't like it at all, but I think they are whiny narrow minded idiots!  I cant say too much about this story as I don't want to give away some of the crucial plot pieces but here is the bulk.  A successful businessman father is quickly falling down a downward spiral after the death of his college age son.  He soon finds out about his sons hidden talent as a singer songwriter and takes the stage so the world may hear his songs.  He teams up with a couple of young rockers to give it some spark and they end up winning over the crowd night after night.  There are many plot twists and portions of the movie that will take you by surprise and over all I would say it is one of my favorites of the year.  The music was excellent, the acting superb, and the story was original and intoxicating.  There were a few unanswered questions that I would like to know more about such as the music store?  The girlfriend?  The boat?  Anyway, watch the movie and you will understand.  Great flick!

FYI:  Based in Oklahoma City


Need for Speed

If you are a huge fan of cars doing the impossible, this is a movie for you!  How fast does your car go?  I dont even get out of bed for less than 200 mph.  How much is your car worth?  I drive a $2 million Mustang through off road mountain terrain.  How do you avoid cops when speeding?  I tear through the city streets at 100 mph making every car in my path crash into one another.  Well, Aaron Paul, you know the breakout star of Breaking Bad, has all of these driving tactics in the bag.  What I really don't understand is why they changed the name from Fast and Furious, to Need for Speed and didn't even cast Vin Diesel???  That's what this movie was, a highly unrealistic, unimaginable, Fast and Furious rip off with cheesy lines, terrible acting, worthless story line and plot, and a complete and total cliche from start to finish.  I get it, it was a movie, but wow, you cant even watch something like this and not say at one point, "what the hell am I watching?"  Yet, I was strangely sucked in, thinking there would be some twist.  There wasn't.  I am pretty sure they marketed this movie for the 14-18 year old gear heads who love car porn.  I would not recommend this unless you are confined to a hospital bed with no other options.  Total garbage.

FYI:  Not to make this movie even stupider, but it is based on a video game.


Inside Llewyn Davis

Folk singers in the 60's must have been the original Hipsters, and they haven't changed a bit!  The numbers are all there, sorry hipsters but you are pigeon holed.  Layers of good will clothing, check.  Taking two things that don't belong together and owning it, check.  Thinking your original by being unoriginal, check.  Let me introduce you to Llewyn Davis, the quintessential member of this cast.  Another deep and interesting Coen brothers film that has great dark humor and uncomfortable situations.  Davis is an extremely talented folk singer who has the makings to be famous, he just cant catch a break.  As a matter of fact he is a day late to the whole music scene and his genre has pretty much passed him by.  His struggles are to find that greatness without actually admitting that he is even looking for anything.  All the while everyone he knows is either telling him how terrible he is or praising him for their own amusement.  Timberlake has a great part as a goofball singer on the verge of a new musical form breakthrough.  I liked this as it was in true Coen form.  The viewer finds himself feeling bad for the main actor up until you are tired of his lazy bullshit and want to smack him upside the head.  Well worth the watch but dont expect any answers or conclusions, you have to figure it out for your self.

FYI:  Conor Oberst auditioned for the part of Llewyn Davis.  Whew, that was a close one!


Friday, September 4, 2015


Ah the magic of new, young love fresh after a marriage and off to the honeymoon!  The look in the eyes, the constant touching, the non annoying, nagging wife!  Especially when you toss a mysterious walk in the woods that results in a torn nightie and a brain dead wife.  Sounds ideal right?  Well when the crazy bitch starts to forget things like an end stage Alzheimer's patient and begins to spew dark mucus out of her vage, its time to call the doc.  This creepy weird tale is a Netflix gem that gives you just enough behind the curtain to promote suspense, eeriness, and mystery.  There are a lot of things that keep you guessing like who is actually going crazy, what will happen, how is this happening and can we please leave now?  Pretty good acting from an under budget film with a good story that was somewhat original.  The most intriguing part is how the shell of a person reacts to certain situations and can manipulate the ones you love.  A little slow at first but give this one a chance, it is really good.

FYI:  During the filming of this movie the Dolly Grip ate a live bull snake on a dare.



In a world, where you can pay a mere $250 million to transform your crusty, sick, old body into an all new model.  That looks like Ryan Reynolds!!  Lets face it, if you had the means and would keep your consciousness, tell me Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Ryan Reynolds wouldn't be on the list.  Pretty good sci-fi flick that was a little underrated.  Kingsley plays a billionaire real-estate guru who is riddled with cancer.  He enters into a secret medical contract to transfer his mind to a young mans body that was apparently made in a lab.  He has some serious fun, and then realizes that shit aint all what it seems.  There are some really cool characters in this movie and although not much suspense due to the predictability, it was very enjoyable.  I had a hard time taking the moral route with this one thinking, "damn, I just spent millions and look like a super model.  I am going to continue to rock out for a long time!"  In his younger body, he finds there is some mystery to his now flesh and feels he just has to figure it out.  Bring on the goons!  The company doesn't want him messing things up so they go after him.  Cool clothes, cars, and party scenes but not the dialogue I expect from Reynolds and wish there were more with his new life.  Good backstory and  some good action, it just fell a tad bit short.  Enjoyable and a recommendation for all.

FYI:  The old mans ugly ass apartment in the beginning is an actual pad owned by Donald Trump.  Go figure.


Z for Zachariah

Its the end of the world as we know it!  It's hard for me to watch a post apocalyptic movie with "last man of earth" scenarios because I constantly think of Phil Miller in "The Last Man on Earth".  It always turns into a joke and I keep repeating "Carol" in my head!  In this film there isn't much to say as it is slow, quiet, and seems to creep.  Contrary to the critics bad reviews, I thought it was very well done.  There is a lot of tension and good stories that keep you interested but not a lot of payoff unless you actually use your brain.  There are a lot of unanswered questions witch I think rubbed people the wrong way as most viewers these days want it thrown in your face with no mystery.  So here we have the uber hot Margot Robbie playing a southern hick who is struggling to survive in a world contaminated with radiation.  Her farm is the only thing in existence that has survived and is a safe haven.  A stranger shows up and they form a close bond only to be shaken up by another stranger more "her type".  This creates tension as emotions run hot.  I have many theories on what happened to one character and what is known and not known but I wont spoil it for you.  This is a thinker that makes you wonder what you would really do in this type of situation and if you would be smart enough to survive.  I would give it a shot, again I really liked it but you may have to be in the mood.  Now excuse me while I go stockpile food and water.

FYI:  After the film wrap party Pine was arrested for DUI and lost his license for 6 months.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Straight Outta Compton

A heartwarming story about 5 gay men living on the streets of inner city Compton, CA.  The year is 1986, the setting is the gang world and the story is courageous.  These five young African American men come together through the trials and tribulations of the most dangerous city in America.  With only one outlet for homosexual, minorities they start an underground knitting club that catches America by storm!  The rest they say, is history!  Seriously, this movie was awesome!  I read a review the other day from an IMDB member who said it was disgusting, pornographic, and was a false depiction of inner city youth.  Not where I'm from yo!  The streets of Palmyra taught me the game!  The acting was excellent, the cast was outstanding especially Eazy-E and Ice Cube.  The story brought back some great memories of discovering this group for the first time in the late 80's and thinking they were the coolest thing ever.  I did have a few problems of what the movie left out.  The 90's war between Dre and Eazy was huge but in the movie they only touched on it for a few minutes.  Also, some of the iconic pictures taken weren't shown when they were getting famous.  Lastly, the story kind of left out a lot of the contributions MC Ren and DJ Yella gave to the group.  It was a little like the Ice Cube and Eazy story.  Apparently the original cut was 3 1/2 hours long so they had to edit some.  So far, this is one of my favorites of 2015 and would recommend it to anyone who thought they were a gangster in the 90's.  Not naming any names, Mark, Jason, Colby, Zach, Hoser!

FYI:  The Jheri Curl wigs used in this film were $15,000 a piece!!!


April Fool's Day

Surprise!  you're dead!  Hahaha, Happy April Fool's Day!  Here is an oldie but a goodie that I just re-watched last night.  It was one of my favorites when I was a kid and remember watching it over and over again.  Well my lucky, reluctant wife got to sit through it with me and I am sure she followed it well as her eyes were glued to her phone the entire time.  What I love best about this film is the true 80's blanket that wraps you up and takes you back to your days of youth.  Everything from the clothes, to the language, to the cheese.  Not to mention a young Biff Tannon has a great role in this.  The best part is the twist this movie has and maybe a little played out at this point but in the 80's it was fresh and new.  Basically a group of college kids are invited to "Muffy's" lake home for spring break.  They dont all know each other but all hold some dark secret that will be exposed when the killings begin!  Its a good, fun trip down memory lane and is a must watch if you ask me.  Or is it?  April Fools!

FYI:  This film was titled Horror Party when released in Germany.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

San Andreas

Look Out!  It's an earthquake!  No wait, its a tsunami!  Wait, scratch that, its a fire!  Hold, nope, its a building collapsing!  Stop, just stop, its everything at once!  Leave it to The Rock, to play in yet another throw away blockbuster.  Don't get me wrong, I really like everything he is in, and secretly have a man crush on him, but damn Dwayne, really?  This natural disaster movie is the same as every other natural disaster movie.  We have key elements that are a core function of these types of movies all complete with unbelievable, unrealistic acts of heroism using boats, planes, helicopters, cars, and pure brute strength.  Here are the automatic characters of every disaster movie:  #1 Daughter of hero who is beyond super street smart having all of the skills to survive any situation without messing up a single hair.  #2 Divorcee rekindling love in the face of disaster.  #3 Young witty kid with all the resources to survive.  #4 Genius professor who knows more than the rest of the world but continues to be a basement dweller until the time is right.  #5 Super human strength and speed to out run any explosions, falling buildings, and debris.  And last but not least, some weak foreigner who gets hurt and slows down the pack.  Tired of my bashing yet?  It wasn't all that bad, if you include cool special effects, some good karma, and the man himself, I would probably watch it again.  As a matter of fact, I will have to along with the rest of you as it will soon be a TBS, TNT, Spike, and AMC run over, and over again.  Give it a shot, it was enjoyable.

FYI:  An actual earthquake professor said most of the disaster in this movie wouldn't or couldn't happen.



Tune in for the latest wacky adventures of E, Drama, Turtle, Vince and Ari!  These zany cats are at it again with larger than lifestyle, Hollywood shenanigans!  Oh, did you think I was talking about the HBO series?  I was, just a longer, more expensive version that was released in theaters.  I loved the series and kind of liked the movie but it was very unnecessary.  With this amount of pub, they should have just started the series again.  Here are some of the problems I had with this film.  Wayyyy to many cameos, most of which are on set for a mili-second.  The wardrobe director for Drama should be shot!  The plot was a stretched out version of the 1/2 hour show, and no one ever says what real people in real life would say.  I mean, I know its about Hollywood actors but c'mon!  Pudgy little Haley Joel Osment does a pretty good job of making you hate him, and Ari basically steals the show, again.  All in all it was a pretty good easy to watch film but if you didn't like the series you wont like this.  I wouldn't waste anymore than a dollar on it, unless you are going to a special screening at Vince's house.

FYI:  An early Tuesday night screening of this film grossed over $2 million!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cop Car

Leave it up to Bacon to play a PIG!  Cops these days, always getting a bad rap.  Seriously, this sheriff is just trying to take out the trash and ends up with the worst luck.  So he has a bit of a cocaine, illegal gun, and money laundering problem.  What good cop doesn't?  This tale starts off with two 10 year old boys running away from home (who reminded me of Jason and myself long ago) and they run across a cop car, complete with keys and unlocked doors.  They did what any curious young man would do, take it for a joyride!  Well things aren't as easy as these kids planned, especially when they try out the CB, guns, and the gas pedal.  Bacon finds the car missing and goes into a frenzy!  This was an amazingly told story and had a great flow to it.  It becomes pretty tense and really brings you into the story.  You find yourself over-routing for the young boys and get nervous for them at every turn.  This movie really showed how innocence and ignorance can certainly turn the tables on a kid, especially if they end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.  There are a few unrealistic parts of the movie and it is always hard for me to put suck a young kid in adult situations having them do just fine, but then again I may just be a grumpy old man.  This was a great movie and I would pay to see it.  Bacon is yet again creepy, and makes me think of Jim Carey from Me, Myself and Irene but nails the part like always.  A must see.

FYI:  The piano score for this movie was written by a 13 year old kid.


These Final Hours

And the Million Dollar Question is:  The end of the world is just hours away, what do you do?  A. Party like a Rockstar?  B.  Church it up and beg for forgiveness in the afterlife?  of C.  Gather up your family and start the executions?  This hidden Netflix gem will help you through these thoughts and possibly give you a good idea of what you will end up doing in the end.  Glad the Bro's pushed me to watch this film sooner than I had planned, it was great!  Set in Australia, the world is mere hours from becoming a ball of fire from the planet killing asteroid headed our way.  Everyone is in pure chaos and the streets are filled with lunatics, rapists, killers, and one saint.  The main character who is on his way to an epic worlds end party fueled with drugs, alcohol, and naked women gets sidetracked to save a little girl from being raped and tortured by some disgusting bottom dwellers.  His moral compass sets in and decides to spend the rest of his life trying to help her.  Of course you can imagine they run into some crazy situations along the way, and where they end the movie!  After watching this movie I had the discussion of what would you do, and came to the conclusion that the Rockstar parts sounded pretty nice!  Give this one a shot, its well worth it!

FYI:  The drug fueled party scene is how James Franco's house looks every Wednesday night!



Depressed living in Hawaii kind of seems like saying, money doesn't buy happiness.  It just doesn't make any sense!  When you are a movie character without a care in the world, living in the most beautiful place in America, and have a hot chick with job security, you should probably just shut up and live in the moment.  Cameron Crowe has a different opinion with Aloha.  Start off with an all star cast of A Lister's, throw in an amazing setting and you are well on your way to a PG, TBS, every Saturday film.  Here is the scoop;  Cooper, an ex-military man working in the private space sector returns to his glory days in Hawaii to take on a once in a lifetime gig.  Once there he meets up with his old fling, gets confusing feelings and starts to meddle.  Meanwhile he is followed by a military watch dog (Stone) who he falls for but cant quite compete with her moral compass.  The tone of this movie which jumps all over the place, starts to flirt with an ethical message, only to left turn into an anti-climatic half witted love story.  There were some really good scenes, the best is with Cooper and Krasinski and the no word conversation.  It was cinema gold.  Baldwin, Murray, McBride all had good parts but seemed a little thrown together.  I was entertained but not impressed.  Give this one a watch but you will be better off waiting for TV.

FYI:  Emma Stone's character is based on an actual person who's Dad was half Asian, half Hawaiian.


Thursday, August 13, 2015


Heart warming story about a left-handed accountant in a world of righty's.  This poor pencil pusher cant seem to use his mouse, always gets ink on his hand, and gets tangled in his phone cord day after day.  He dies old and along after a terrible life in the right mans world, southpaw.  What do you think?  Want to see this movie?  Okay, no accountant, but just substitute that for "Boxer", keep him right handed, and throw out the dead old and alone thing and its basically the same movie.  Southpaw was excellent, and Jakey Boy is one hell of an actor.  He played the punchy, dumb-ass really well.  The girl who played his daughter was amazing and Forrest Whitaker effortlessly steals the scenes once again.  There were some holes with this flick, so I am going to give it the old, "The Good, the bad and the ugly".  The good:  Great acting by almost everyone in the film.  It contained boxing!  Good story that was filled with emotions.  The Bad:  When your the world champion with a 47-0 record and start to go broke, just do a damn Wheaties commercial.  Kind of a tired played out story of riches to rags to life lessons learned.  The Ugly:  Why anyone casts .50 Cent in any role known to man is beyond me he sucks.  I would say this is one of my favorites of the year, which is full of good blockbusters so far.  Give it a shot, and remember, these actors have personal trainers, personal chefs, and millions to look that good.  Don't be so hard on yourself like I am.

FYI:  Eminem was initially cast to play the lead in this movie.  THANK GOD that changed!!!!!!!!!




Ready for this one?  The year is 2026, you are leading the resistance against the machines and ready to win.  Just as you break through the final door, you find out the machines have yet again thrown a killer cyborg to the past to kill your mother.  You then send (again) your father, who doesn't know he is your father to save your mother.  When he arrives in 1984, things aren't as expected and Mom saves Dad along with Terminator numero uno, Ahnold.  Time travel to 2017, where Arnie has been waiting and bam, you are now there too, but you are now a machine :(  Mission #1, take down Sky Net, meet former self to warn, blow up as much as you can, take down the existence of AI.   Whew!!!  Amidst all of the terrible reviews saying this was the worst terminator movie and maybe one of the worst movies made, I have to say I completely disagree!  I thought the amount of action, humor and time travel was really cool and smart.  The throwback scenes where Arnold fights himself from the 80's was awesome.  John Connor is finally played with some conviction, Reese was a bad ass, and I could even stand Sarah Connor which I haven't been able to in the past.  I actually heard one review say that this movie was unrealistic and far fetched?!?!  This is the 5th installment of the damn Terminator, what movie did they watch?  I would actually rate this as my 3rd favorite in the series with 1 & 2 leading the back.  Give it a watch, and remember, I'll be back!

FYI:  There are two more films following this one already green lit



If James Bond, and Chris Farley had a baby you would get SPY!  Sophisticated, intelligent, clumsy and extremely lucky being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Don't let the heavy frame fool ya, McCarthy rocks the shit in this movie!  I didn't expect much from this as her last few movies have been pretty big throw away's.  She has a good shtick, but they all begin to play out the same.  Spy was just the opposite!  This movie had a great funny story line that had a number of hilarious scenes.  McCarthy wasn't the only comic relief in this movie, she was surrounded by the usual tough guys and stuck ups making huge fun of themselves to bring the comic level up another notch.  You know the story, CIA basement dweller and IT nerd gets put out in the field to solve the case of a Nuke being sold.  She has to observe and report but ends up infiltrating the bad guys out of spite.  I have to say that Jason Statham's character was the best, he has literally been killed 87 times as a spy and goes rogue exposing himself as the idiot he is.  Good laugh and light hearted movie that restores my faith in McCarthy!

FYI:  Director Paul Feig said he made this movie because he knew no one would let him direct a real James Bond movie.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Last Vegas

The best part of getting older is believing the fact that in your 70's, you and your three best friends from grade school will someday meet up in Vegas for a 20's something weekend.  Be prepared to pack your medications, cash in your pension, and let it all hang out!  The Rolling Stones aint got nothin on these 4 dudes from the Bronx.  It took me a while to check out this film thinking it would be your typical old man buddy film that has tired jokes and shows geriatric dudes in impossible situations.  I was only half right.  This perfectly cast film had me laughing out loud a number of times and was pretty underrated if you ask me.  4 friends who have known each other since 3rd grade all meet up in Vegas for a Bachelor Party weekend.  The groom is Douglas who is marrying a girl half his age.  They decide its not going to be a slot machine, buffet and asleep by 9 sort of trip.  Quoting one of the lines from the movie, "They are going to party like its 1959".  There is some past built up tension between a few of the characters that makes it an actual story and not an old man "Hangover" film.  Morgan Freeman and Kevin Kline stole the show!  They had the best lines and their parts were hilarious.  Throw in Turtle from Entourage and it all comes together.  Somewhat predictable and some good cameos made this a light-hearted feel good movie.  I am holding out hope that I can throw a party like these guys in 30 years.

FYI:  All four lead actors have won Oscars


The Gallows

Remember back in the day when you would break into your High School and tear shit up?  You know who you are!  How many of those kids around the country do you think were murdered by the ghost of some kid who died there 30 years before?  My guess is a lot!  This eerie tale is a step by step guide put out there by the PTA to deter kids from actually doing any of these criminal acts again.  Let this be a lesson to you, Teachers are fed up, and they aren't going to take it anymore!  So another found footage film, which seems to be the go to norm for any low budget horror film these days.  I really like them but think this could have been just as successful without.  The best part of this movie is that is was written by a kid from Beatrice, Nebraska, who only six years after graduating High School has a major motion picture showing across the US.  GO BIG RED! :)  The story takes place in Beatrice, a small town in NE, where the annual school play is about to take off.  The kicker is, the play is homage to the same play "The Gallows" put on 30 years prior where a kid accidentally died during the show.  Stupid I know, and most likely would never happen, but I have seen dumber things in schools these days.  Well the worst actor of the film is a former football stud who quits the team to play the lead because he likes the drama nerd.  His friends talk him into breaking in and destroying the set so they cant do the play and that's when they meet their doom.  Good twists and some good cheap jump scares.  For a low budget film that grossed 10 times the films budget, I would say it is a success.  Give it a shot, its worth a good fun scare.

FYI:  The lead actress is Kathy Lee and Frank Giffords daughter, a hot girl who seems to be missing her lips???


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mission Impossible-Rogue Nation

Impossible airplane stunt, explosion, shoot out, car crash, snipers, computer hacking, more explosions, death, resurrection, motorcycle chase, hot chick, another shoot out, mind blowing climax!  No I wasn't just describing my regular Saturday nights!  Well, Maybe I was at the end there :)  The 5th installment of Ethan Hunts incredible feats against the world of evil.  This franchise just keeps getting better!  Going back after this and watching part one was like taking away technology for a day.  The progression of these films have been outstanding and this installment takes the cake!  First off, I love Tom Cruise.  I will say it over and over again, I have yet to see a bad movie from this guy.  Weird, and a little deranged, yes, but awesome.  And who isn't messed up in Hollywood?  Don't try to give me an example because I will find proof that your wrong. The action and story in this movie was great but to be honest what made it was the comedic writing and delivery from some of the actors.  Especially, with a capital "E", Simon Pegg!  He is a genius and brings this movie together and showing an obvious Tom Cruise following suit.  One of the surprising parts was Rebecca Ferguson, who I never thought was all that hot, even at the beginning of this movie.  As the film went on she became a goddess, and acted quite well.  I think this is a great movie theater flick you wont mind spending the money on.  Take the kids, mine loved it!  This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.

FYI:  Cruise and Pegg did all of their own stunts.



Oh how the world works in mysterious ways!  When true evil in the form of a racist bigot, gets released from prison only to go on a murderous, kidnapping rampage minutes later, what do you think happens next?  He meets a wise old black man who changes him all around in one night.  Classic tale of idiocy diminishing before your very eyes due to the fact that the opposite race is not as trashy as you.  I guess the moral of this story is, always overestimate the angry white man, because underneath it all, he is a blubbering pussy.  Now throw in Derek Luke, you know the actor that plays every young black man in almost every movie ever (Boobie Miles).  For the kicker, you may know how much I hate Danny Glover, I really despise him.  He nails it in this movie!  He plays an old broke down man with a bad history and even worse bones.  His movements are painful and facial expressions are priceless.  Overall I liked this flick, it has a touch of made for TV in it at times but the acting was all pretty good.  Apparently it is based on true events which makes it better knowing its not your typical new age exploitation film.  There were some holes, and some highly unbelievable scenes, like when the whitey leader abandons his soldier!  If you cant trust a Neo-Nazi, who can you trust.  Give it a shot, its a Netflix, so its basically free!

FYI:  The real dude got 274 years in Prison for this!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Think you understand time travel?  Well here is your explanation.  Setting a wormhole time contingent lapse through isometric pressures formulating the contained atomic flow of space time continuum.  Therefore pulsating a systematic rendering of anatomic weight/mass formulating an unconsciousness transcendence of proportional retribution.  This will then reconfigure electrodes and bursting atoms creating a simultaneous clone absorbing life-scale time continuum.  Easy huh?  If you understood any of that, and it actually made any type of sense, then run to your Netflix and watch this movie immediately.  When you do, comment on this post and explain it to me please!  This is regarded as one of the most complicated movies of all time, and I agree.  It took over the number one spot from Interstellar.  This was a really well done low budget film!  No real action, and a set that is basically a garage, a storage unit, and a hotel room.  The dialogue is so complex but written so well that it fools you into thinking you actually understand these nerds.  There are many mysteries with this film that I am still pondering like loss of writing skills, what happens to the doubles, where are they in the time line, how did it actually happen????  This is a definite watch about two men that accidentally invent a time machine and within days begin to abuse it.  You can instantly stream it from Netflix, just make sure you are well caffeinated and ready to listen.  After you watch this film check out this site for some explanation,

FYI:  This movie was made for $7000



That's not how this works!  That's not how any of this works!  Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, You Tube, Google, Readit, Pinterest, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  Evil lurks in your device, escape while you can!!!  Especially when there is a ghost involved!  These little high school cyber bully's get exactly what they deserve!  This was an unexpected gem, and I loved every minute of it!  It was the perfect horror movie for today's youth.  Being a father of two kids, i can tell you that getting the screen out from in front of their face is about as easy as smashing my head through a brick wall.  The kids in this movie are no different and are just as technologically sound as your everyday average kid today.  In this suspense thriller, someone posted an embarrassing video of a high school girl after a party and she ends up killing herself, on a video, online.  Well she is back, with a vengeance!  The entire movie is shot through the computer camera from the group Skype of 5 friends and ends up in a great game of truth or dare.  This was gritty and real and due to the context it didn't matter if the acting was bad, and it wasn't too bad.  I had a lot of fun watching this and was really surprised at how well of a job they did.  This is a definite watch recommendation for me!

FYI:  This entire movie was filmed in one house, with the actors in different rooms for 6 days.



Ahh, another tale of the old spooky house at the end of the woods!  Why not watch this one?  You have the elements that suck you in as a horror movie fan.  Cool spooky poster, Check!  Evil title, Check!  Taglines that say, "from the Director of The Conjuring" and "Every House has its Secrets!"  Check!  Red flag number one, it has been released in about 12 countries other than this one!  Another red flag may be the fact that Mario Bello is in it.  Although she is easy on the eyes, she has been in some pretty low budget, borderline made for TV types lately.  Frank Grillo is good, but he tends to over act, and the main teen-age characters in this movie were pretty awful actors.  Basically the kids go to this old house hunting for ghosts due to the murder that happened years before.  It just so happens that one of the kids Mom had known the killer.  Why not take him along, it might manifest the spirits enough to tear shit up.  Half found footage, half aftermath film it wasnt that bad.  I enjoyed most of it even with the played out story-line.  The end gives a bit of a twist that is not uncommon, but fits the story.  Some scares but definitely more of a suspense thriller than a horror movie.  Now get your Ouija board and light some candles, its time for a witch hunt!

FYI:  One of the film crew contracted rabies from a bat while filming!


Monday, July 27, 2015


Hey everyone!  The billion dollar Marvel/Disney industry made another one!  Oh, you haven't heard?  Its Ant-Man!  You know, one of the original comic book Avengers.  How has he not had a movie already you ask?  Because who cares!  My Daughter has seen this twice and said its the best SH movie yet!  No, I have not gown out of this genre, I love these movies and as I have said before, I cant get enough of them.  Well after taking my son this weekend, I may have had enough.  I expected so much from this movie, especially casting Rudd as the lead.  He is a funny dude and was hoping he would knock it out of the park.  Well, I was let down throughout this movie a number of times.  I was expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy staring a comedian as the lead, but this really fell short.  I can say the saving grace of this film was absolutely Michael Pena and T.I.  Pena was true genius with the way he presented his lines.  I will give this movie an extra star just because of him! Even Evangeline Lilly, who is usually super hot was average in this.  I feel like this was thrown together for the sake of having another pay day for Marvel.  There were some good laughs, and a few good fight scenes along with cool CGI, but the end was a build up for a let down.  I wouldn't say this is the worst SH movie, but it would be behind (in order), Dark Knight (actually all of the newer Batman's), Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Iron Man, X Men First Class, and Incredible's.  I would put this on your list of wait for Redbox, but the Popcorn might not be as good....Unless you have a bag of Vic's Cheese!

FYI:  Howard Stern tried to buy the rights to Ant-Man 15 years ago hoping for a future movie.


The Jokesters

Ahhh, the generation of early 20's boys who are not only the center of the universe but without a care in the world.  Those were the good ole days!  When college frat boys get together and try to one up each other with pranks, things tend to get a little messy.  Who cares about the repercussions especially when your reputation is on the line!  Now throw in a hit You tube sensation, prankster video series and BAM!  You've got yourself a hell of an inflated ego.  Well these boys just being boys decide to take the prank to the next level by pranking the wedding toast of their bestie, which then turns into following them on their honeymoon to scare the shit out of them.  Sounds like a noble idea right?  I mean seriously, these are your best friends, cut them some slack!  And whatever you do, dont turn the pranking around on them!  Obviously by now you have picked up on my sarcasm and know that something bad happens, I mean just look at the movie poster above!  Yet another found footage film, and I was pretty good with this one.  It is your typical horror movie that isn't gong to win any Oscars, and the acting was pretty shotty but not the worst I have seen.  I liked it, I was entertained and kept watching to see what was going to happen next.  The twist it took was a little unexpected but predictable after it happens and the "Crazy" came out.  Worth a watch for those who need a newer horror fix.  Just dont mess with another mans pranking status!!!

FYI:  During the filming of this film the Dolly Grip found a piece of a human foot in the snow.


The Guest

Excuse me ma'am, did I leave my boots under your bed?  Classic nice guy move, especially when after retrieving his boots, he puts a 9 mm slug through her head!  These days some of the best movies are those that pay homage to 80's flicks with a new age twist, and this is one of em!  Don't get me wrong there were some ugly cinema faults here, but over all a really good flick.  The story is not new, War hero, stranger appears in a town claiming to have been friends with a family who's son died in the war.  He is invited in and treated like family.  Something is off, but you just can put your finger on it.  He helps the family in very unrealistic and predictable ways, like every other movie of the sort.  Then, the shit hits the fan.  In a way I felt like there were two movies here, the beginning was outstanding and had your sucked in from the very start.  The second act is where the holes start to form and become cheesy Hollywood.  The soundtrack was awesome!  I would give this movie an extra star just for that!  The acting was pretty good, and Maika Monroe is a great little actress!  The ugly shows with the predictability and extensive use of bullet dodging.  I can usually look past that for a good acting job, but that was ruined a few times.  Overall, great flick that you can watch immediately on Netflix.  Give it a shot and raise those flags up high!  Stop being a communist!

FYI:  Dan Stevens would do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups and drink a diet coke just before his shirtless scenes.
