Tuesday, December 15, 2015


What do you get when you cross the movies, "Speed", "John Q", and a poor mans "Oceans 11", then throw a title on it that has been used about a billion times.  THEN, take a bunch of known actors and try really hard?  Give up yet?  It's an easy one.  Heist!!!  Good job, you nailed it!  Unfortunately the writers of this piece of garbage didn't!  This was pretty thrown together and about as predictable and unoriginal as it gets.  Even the "zinger" at the end was called by the first 15 minutes of the movie.  Here is the skinny; big time, multi-millionaire casino owner (riverboat) is into some money laundering.  Good-hearted, down on his luck worker with a sketchy past needs money for his dying daughter.  Que the robbery, an estranged relationship with casino owners daughter, a cop with an intuition for "nice" criminals (who is a terrible actor by the way), and a crooked detective.  There, you're welcome, now you don't have to watch the movie.  Now don't get me wrong, I didn't shut it off or anything, but you will definitely see this on TBS three times a weekend very soon!

FYI:  At least two of the actors in this movie have made money in the ring.


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