Wednesday, December 9, 2015

99 Homes

Want to watch a movie that will scare the shit out of you?  Here it is, and not in the sense of horror, or thriller, this is how life can change on a dime and turn your entire world upside down!  The realistic situations in this movie and who it affects is terrifying and really gives you a chill wondering what you would do in that situation.  So the movie is based during the hosing market burst, when working (or formerly working) middle class suburbanites are being evicted from their homes due to bank foreclosures.  When Garfield's character gets the boot from Shannon, who works for the banks he starts to spiral out of control.  He then ends up working for Shannon as a repair guy and quickly climbs the ladder to actually doing the evicting himself.  This really goes deep into the heat breaking, emotional side of families being ripped from their security and sent out on the streets.  The simple logic behind the bank is frightening but goes head to head with the declining moral compass of Americas society and the obsession with greed.  I loved this movie and thought it was extremely underrated.  Find it, and watch it now!  Then get a budget contributing 30% of your paycheck into savings!

FYI:  Based on a true story of a man who exposes a fraudulent realtor.


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