Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Yo, Adrian, wait no, dead.  Yo, Paulie, wait, again, dead.  Yo, Mick, nope, still dead.  Yo, Apollo, uhhhh...  Wait!  Yo, Donnie!  Here we go like a bullet out of a gun!  Being the biggest Rocky fan I know, and possibly the entire world, how was I not the first in line on opening day of this flick?!  Well, its because I have kids, and a job, and busy with real life but damn, what a movie!  I will be honest, I was a little skeptical hearing what was going on here with Rocky returning but kept optimistic and was extremely impressed.  Yes, there were the haters saying stupid shit like, its not realistic.  Shut up, its a MOVIE!  So Jordan is the illegitimate son of the world famous Apollo Creed who shows up on the scene as a true natural talent.  He begins his career under his mothers last name as to try and make a name for himself out of his fathers shadows but it soon surfaces that he is a Creed.  From here, he is in the spotlight and under the training of the other world famous Rocky.  The acting was great, I loved the story, and the boxing scenes were awesome.  Jordan is one hell of an actor and went through a huge body transformation to look the part.  He pulled off a young Carl Weathers really well.  If your a fan of Rocky, or Boxing, I would definitely suggest seeing this movie.

FYI:  This is the first of the Rocky franchise that Stallone didn't write.



  1. Ok I agree with all that you said. I thought what a cool idea for the story. I only had one issue (spoiler alert) and maybe I missed it but why did Rocky all the sudden have a change of heart to train the kid? It was like one day "Hey yo, no". Then the next "a Hey yo, yes". Otherwise I loved it. The boxing scenes camera play was awesome!

  2. My take on it was he realized an opportunity to be involved in what he loved fell in his lap and he really thought he owed it to the kid. Good thought though, I overlook that stuff when it comes to Rocky movies because in my mind they can do no wrong (except for part 5 :) Thanks for reading!

  3. Yo, mark, do you love sly or somethin?

  4. Just watched this. Awesome movie. I loved that they used real fighters (Gabe Rosales & Tony Bellew). Of course the boxing was over dramatic, but that's s what Rocky movies are all about! I thought Michael B Jordan was tremendous and it was perfect that he teamed up with Fruitvale Station writer and director Ryan Coolger again on this movie. I have read that they are already talking sequel and maybe even 2 more. I would love to see that. I agree it was a little weird that Rocky said no to training Creed and then was sitting in the graveyard talking to Paulie and Adrian and suddenly changed his mind. My take is that he has been so focused on the people in his life that are gone and he realized how messed up that was when there were people who are still alive who wanted him in their life. Just like the last line in the ring where he says he will fight if Creed goes out and fights the 12th with everything he has. Rocky decided not to give up on life and train Creed. Great movie!!!

  5. Good comments! Cant wait for the next two.
