Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Theory of Everything

Finally got around to watching this one.  Oh, you remember, the underrated story based on that super smart guy in a wheel chair.  Well la-dee-frickin-da, look at me.  I'm a nerdy, clutz with a brain so big I can solve the space-time continuum using the theory of a reverse black hole.  Who cant?  Okay, so this dude is pretty amazing, and by amazing, I mean holy crap!  This was an outstanding movie that really delved into the depths of a horrible struggle for someone who has the science world at his fingertips.  Stephen Hawking has to be proud of the work from Eddie Redmayne, because it was absolutely amazing.  This movie showed the extremely sad life of Hawking and how the disease progressed throughout the years completely incapacitating him.  He prevailed and still maintained one of the greatest science minds of our time.  I was surprised by all of the hate reviews about this movie, but I think most of them were from Bible beaters who were offended by praising a man who was an Atheist.  The hardest part of watching this is thinking of Jonah Hill's line from "Knocked Up", "People think I'm smart because I talk like a computer".  This is running on HBO I think right now so give it a shot.  Definitely worth it!

FYI:  Hawking reportedly said that he felt like he was watching himself at times in this movie.


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