Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Steve Jobs

How many is that now, 3? 4, movies about Steve Jobs that are complete fails?  I don't get it.  One of the most compelling figures of our time and no one can make a good movie about him.  There is even a good movie about a used car salesman who did nothing!  Here is my breakdown of the good, the bad and the ugly with this film.  The Good:  Fassbender is one hell of a good actor!  He controls every scene and plays the part well.  Also, the writing, (although completely false) was good.  The Bad:  This movie takes twenty years of the life of a genius and puts it into a three scene movie.  Not to mention they completely skipped over his younger years, his greatest inventions, and his life.  The Ugly:  Unfortunately, Kutcher had a much better and more believable look for Jobs than Fassbender.  This movie was completely fabricated and made Jobs out to be the largest dickhead in America.  There were discussions between him and a number of his famously estranged partners that either never really happened or were just wrong.  You can spend 2 hours watching the behind the scenes of his three computer system launches, and be disappointed.  Or, spend 2 hours watching "Jobs" and learn more of the accurate history, and be disappointed.  Hollywood, its time to get the next one right.

FYI:  Fassbender memorized the entire 190 page script!


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