Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Goodnight Mommy

Ready for one of the creepiest movies of the year?  Tired of your Mom?  Well lets just put them both together and make an amazing film!  Not kidding, this was a creepy and intense movie.  The only problem is I cant say much about it without giving away some of the twists and turns that happen.  I will start off with this explanation:  Two young boys anxiously await the return of their mother from having some extensive facial surgery done.  When she returns home nothing is as it seems and all of their lives take significant, unexpected turns.  There is a thriller/mystery feel to this movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat and your heart racing the entire time thinking, "what will happen next?"  The acting was great, setting great, story great, the only problem I had with this was I predicted a few things which ruined it for me.  Maybe I should stop watching so many movies.  This ranks up there for one of the best thrillers of the year along with, "It Follows" and "Ex-Machina".  I would suggest this to anyone who likes movies and in for a good creep out.  I loved every minute of it and even though I have some of my own theory's about what really happened at the end and throughout I would love to hear more.  Watch immediately!

FYI:  The original Austrian title is translated to "I See, I See".


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