Tuesday, December 15, 2015


"Wild", also known as, "The longest walk of shame ever!"  Of all the long walk or hiking movies this one gives the old trail of tears a run for its money.  Boo-hoo, poor me.  I'm a little slut who constantly cheats on her husband and turns into a junkie because my white trash, enabling mommy died.  Get over it and make something of yourself!  Wow, okay sorry, that was a little harsh.  In all actuality, this movie was really good, especially if you like Reese Witherspoons boobies!  This had great scenery and excellent metaphors that really touched the purpose of the movie.  Plus, where can I get my hands on a copy of Hobo Times?  Basically, a young woman decides to find herself after destroying her marriage and experiencing the death of her mother.  She hikes nearly 1000 miles on her own up the Pacific Crest Trail.  Here she falls deep into her own hatred, fears and regrets only to pull herself out stronger by achieving a remarkable goal.  There are great stories to be told along the way with the excellent characters in the story-line.  I would highly recommend watching this movie and in case you missed it, there are a number of scenes with Witherspoons boobies!

FYI:  Watch for the lead singer of Everclear as a tattoo artist in this one!


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