Thursday, August 13, 2015



Ready for this one?  The year is 2026, you are leading the resistance against the machines and ready to win.  Just as you break through the final door, you find out the machines have yet again thrown a killer cyborg to the past to kill your mother.  You then send (again) your father, who doesn't know he is your father to save your mother.  When he arrives in 1984, things aren't as expected and Mom saves Dad along with Terminator numero uno, Ahnold.  Time travel to 2017, where Arnie has been waiting and bam, you are now there too, but you are now a machine :(  Mission #1, take down Sky Net, meet former self to warn, blow up as much as you can, take down the existence of AI.   Whew!!!  Amidst all of the terrible reviews saying this was the worst terminator movie and maybe one of the worst movies made, I have to say I completely disagree!  I thought the amount of action, humor and time travel was really cool and smart.  The throwback scenes where Arnold fights himself from the 80's was awesome.  John Connor is finally played with some conviction, Reese was a bad ass, and I could even stand Sarah Connor which I haven't been able to in the past.  I actually heard one review say that this movie was unrealistic and far fetched?!?!  This is the 5th installment of the damn Terminator, what movie did they watch?  I would actually rate this as my 3rd favorite in the series with 1 & 2 leading the back.  Give it a watch, and remember, I'll be back!

FYI:  There are two more films following this one already green lit



  1. I'm with you on this one. Probably the third best of the series even though I didn't think the 3rd one was near as bad as people bad it out to be.

  2. I'm with you on this one. Probably the third best of the series even though I didn't think the 3rd one was near as bad as people bad it out to be.
