Friday, August 7, 2015

Last Vegas

The best part of getting older is believing the fact that in your 70's, you and your three best friends from grade school will someday meet up in Vegas for a 20's something weekend.  Be prepared to pack your medications, cash in your pension, and let it all hang out!  The Rolling Stones aint got nothin on these 4 dudes from the Bronx.  It took me a while to check out this film thinking it would be your typical old man buddy film that has tired jokes and shows geriatric dudes in impossible situations.  I was only half right.  This perfectly cast film had me laughing out loud a number of times and was pretty underrated if you ask me.  4 friends who have known each other since 3rd grade all meet up in Vegas for a Bachelor Party weekend.  The groom is Douglas who is marrying a girl half his age.  They decide its not going to be a slot machine, buffet and asleep by 9 sort of trip.  Quoting one of the lines from the movie, "They are going to party like its 1959".  There is some past built up tension between a few of the characters that makes it an actual story and not an old man "Hangover" film.  Morgan Freeman and Kevin Kline stole the show!  They had the best lines and their parts were hilarious.  Throw in Turtle from Entourage and it all comes together.  Somewhat predictable and some good cameos made this a light-hearted feel good movie.  I am holding out hope that I can throw a party like these guys in 30 years.

FYI:  All four lead actors have won Oscars


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