Thursday, August 27, 2015


Tune in for the latest wacky adventures of E, Drama, Turtle, Vince and Ari!  These zany cats are at it again with larger than lifestyle, Hollywood shenanigans!  Oh, did you think I was talking about the HBO series?  I was, just a longer, more expensive version that was released in theaters.  I loved the series and kind of liked the movie but it was very unnecessary.  With this amount of pub, they should have just started the series again.  Here are some of the problems I had with this film.  Wayyyy to many cameos, most of which are on set for a mili-second.  The wardrobe director for Drama should be shot!  The plot was a stretched out version of the 1/2 hour show, and no one ever says what real people in real life would say.  I mean, I know its about Hollywood actors but c'mon!  Pudgy little Haley Joel Osment does a pretty good job of making you hate him, and Ari basically steals the show, again.  All in all it was a pretty good easy to watch film but if you didn't like the series you wont like this.  I wouldn't waste anymore than a dollar on it, unless you are going to a special screening at Vince's house.

FYI:  An early Tuesday night screening of this film grossed over $2 million!


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