Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Ahh, another tale of the old spooky house at the end of the woods!  Why not watch this one?  You have the elements that suck you in as a horror movie fan.  Cool spooky poster, Check!  Evil title, Check!  Taglines that say, "from the Director of The Conjuring" and "Every House has its Secrets!"  Check!  Red flag number one, it has been released in about 12 countries other than this one!  Another red flag may be the fact that Mario Bello is in it.  Although she is easy on the eyes, she has been in some pretty low budget, borderline made for TV types lately.  Frank Grillo is good, but he tends to over act, and the main teen-age characters in this movie were pretty awful actors.  Basically the kids go to this old house hunting for ghosts due to the murder that happened years before.  It just so happens that one of the kids Mom had known the killer.  Why not take him along, it might manifest the spirits enough to tear shit up.  Half found footage, half aftermath film it wasnt that bad.  I enjoyed most of it even with the played out story-line.  The end gives a bit of a twist that is not uncommon, but fits the story.  Some scares but definitely more of a suspense thriller than a horror movie.  Now get your Ouija board and light some candles, its time for a witch hunt!

FYI:  One of the film crew contracted rabies from a bat while filming!


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